• Member Since 17th Mar, 2015
  • offline last seen Yesterday


"Burninating the countryside... burninating the peasants... burninating all the peoples... and their thatched-roof COTTAGES! THATCHED-ROOF COTTAGES!! And the Trogdor comes in the NIIIIGHT!!!"

Don't know where to start?

THeavy Rock
Limestone Pie and Flash Sentry find unexpected love and unimaginable loudness as they navigate a path through social anxiety, heavy guitars, and the occasional love triangle.
CoffeeMinion · 25k words  ·  150  5 · 2.7k views
TThe One Where Discord Gets All The Mares
Discord finds himself as the unlikely focus of a massive amount of love-magic-gone-bad, and must fend-off every female in Equestria in his attempt to reach the only pony who can break the spell...
CoffeeMinion · 6.7k words  ·  613  26 · 13k views
TLove, Or Something Like It
The mare of Spike's dreams has taken his heart in her hoof... but he can't escape the feeling that something isn't right.
CoffeeMinion · 2.1k words  ·  140  8 · 4.7k views
TTo Serve In Hell
Nightmare Moon has brought oppression and eternal darkness to Equestria, but Rarity and Rainbow Dash may yet risk prominent positions in her service to fight for a better world...
CoffeeMinion · 101k words  ·  261  20 · 5.5k views
EPetunia and the Coelacanth
Princess Luna intervenes when a young filly's dream seems impossible.
CoffeeMinion · 2.7k words  ·  216  2 · 2k views

Also available: a guide!

(Now available in Writeoff flavor)

Stories I've done dramatic readings of

Welcome to my corner of the Innertube

Stories that kick butt, chew bubblegum, and that have run out of bubblegum

Vault of Old Bios

Long-time aspiring writer, somewhat recent pony convert.

I came here to write horsewords and chew bubblegum... and I'm all out of gum.

Now 20% spookier! (Generally known as CoffeeMinion outside of October)

"Burninating the countryside... burninating the peasants... burninating all the peoples... and their thatched-roof COTTAGES! THATCHED-ROOF COTTAGES!! And the Trogdor comes in the NIIIIGHT!!!"

Hard at work, or hardly working?

Population: Tire

I enjoy the obscure side of Pony, and my stories tend to be offbeat explorations of unexpected characters or ships.

Limestone Pie: The Mare of Tomorrow... Today!

On sabbatical

Comments ( 249 )
  • Viewing 245 - 249 of 249

That's great!! I'm glad you still like reading on this site! I'm hoping to start using this site more often when I get the chance, I've seen some really good fanfics being made ever since I checked back here again

Thank you! I’m glad I could make you feel welcome. :twilightsmile:

I’ve been less active for a while now, but I’m certainly not dead. My collection of MLP stuff continues to grow, albeit more slowly. One never knows what the future holds.

Probably may not remember me but I don't know if I ever thanked you for greeting me when I first joined this site haha, probably thought it'd be nice to see how you're doing and to thank you again for the greeting back in 2017

Good catch. I was thinking I might need to put FiSS on a temporary hiatus, and bumped it out a year to clear the decks. I should follow-up with the rest of the community though. It’s just been a nuts couple of months for me due to a job change.

  • Viewing 245 - 249 of 249
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