• Member Since 27th Feb, 2015
  • offline last seen Last Thursday


A partially insane Knoxville Brony who likes to write. I also edit. And Vector too. Who knew? Not I. If only I could focus on just one...

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Muffin Time


A long needed update on Ponest Dungeon: · 8:45pm Nov 28th, 2023

I sincerely want to apologize to any readers who have been patiently waiting for Arc 3. I’ve been sitting on four completed chapters for Ponest Dungeon, specifically the Arc 3 Prologue through the third chapter, all because I wanted to release Arc 3 all at once. Due to several life issues, I’ve been unable to make the progress I’ve wanted in compiling, editing, and completing the last seven chapters of the arc. So I’ve decided to give the beginning of the arc one last once-over before

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Comments ( 125 )
  • Viewing 121 - 125 of 125

You're an interesting fellow. Have a follow.

I honestly should have done it sooner. :twilightblush:

Lol and thank you for the follow.

Well, I mean, I’m not sure why I wasn’t following before. We’ve even met at one point, or chatted, or something. I know I’ve used the term “strongest writer in the world” in a sentence before whilst referring to you, so yeah.

  • Viewing 121 - 125 of 125
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