• Member Since 18th Oct, 2012
  • offline last seen March 15th

Calm Wind

We writers do not speak. We do not hear. We have no songs. We have no pictures. We only have scripture. From words we bring images. From words we bring emotion. From words we bring life.


Wonderbolt Age Chart · 8:46pm Jun 29th, 2014

Why not? I've been keeping their ages sort of out of the picture for a while... but it will be important going forward :)

So here you have how old i picture each of the Wonderbolts being.

(Note: i have mentioned in the past how the lead Squad was the youngest lead squadron ever chosen. I've also in the past mentioned that Misty Fly was a popular Wonderbolt when Dash was a filly.)

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Report Calm Wind · 7,143 views · Story: Piercing the Heavens ·


Life Update part 3 · 7:38pm Aug 10th, 2023

oh its THAT day now, isnt it?

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Report Calm Wind · 1,950 views · Story: Piercing the Heavens · #Neigh


Pony Sizes · 5:10pm May 10th, 2014


I've made many references to how tall or big certain ponies are compared to others in my stories. While they are all practically the same height/size in the show, i've messed around with the concept a bit as i've written.

So i threw together a few vectors including all the characters i've used so far (minus twilight shining and cadance) to show generally how they all compare size wise.

Some of the vector perspectives made it hard to work with, but meh, it was low effort:

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Report Calm Wind · 3,727 views ·

50 Questions? Why not? ;)

Saw this elsewhere on the site and figured why not? I've made a lot of new friends here recently, this seemed like a safe and easy way to tell a bit about myself.

1. What's your name?

- Chris

2. How old are you?

- 33, Born on August 10th 1989

3. What country do you live in?


4. What do you look like?

- Like peak male performance right here

5. Who do you wish you looked like?

-I prefer the way I look actually

6. How did you come across MLP?

-I initially scoffed at it like I did the older versions of the cartoon. Then I heard it was made by a lot of the same people who worked on some of my FAVORITE childhood cartoons like Dexter’s Laboratory and Samurai Jack. So I watched a few episodes. It’s a great well put together cartoon. It has great animation, 6 main characters who are all heavily conflicting female personality types (leading to lulz), well timed gags, and common well thought out morals. Hard to find that in a cartoon these days.)

7. Favorite ship and why?

- Soarindash. Soarin is my favorite male character and Rainbow Dash if my favorite female character so it works out perfectly. I also have a lot of athletic knowledge from being an athlete for 15 years of my life, so I can incorporate a lot of that kind of stuff when I write for them.

8. Least favorite ship?

- To each their own. I have no problem with any ships as long as it can be cute. (I tend to prefer straight shipping though.)

9. Have you admitted to everyone you love ponies?

-Never more than an explanation as to why it’s so popular. (See number 6)

10. Were they family?


11. Favorite episode?

- Power Ponies and anything that included the Wonderbolts

12. Favorite super hero?

- The Goddamn Batman

13. Favorite anti-hero?

- Deadpool

14. Favorite super villain?

- The Joker

15. Favorite anti-villain?

- hmmm, good question.

16. The last book you read recently?

- The Odyssey.

17. Last movie you watched recently?

-Lego Batman

18. Favorite song at the moment?

- Propane Nightmares by Pendulum

19. Favorite song you keep coming back to?

- Disturbed’s cover of Land of Confusion (Originally by Genisis)

20. Current job?

-Trade executer, third-party communications, and Social Media analyst for an investment fund

21. What is your ideal future job?

- Not thinking about that until i have other things in order

22. Dream Job?

- Fantasy Novelist

23. What is you greatest achievement so far in life?

- Being the first male track sprinter from my college to make it to Division 3 NCAA nationals in the 200 meter dash since 1964.

24. Greatest failure?

- That same year, prior to nationals I placed second in the 200 meter Dash at conference, losing to the runner in first by only .02 seconds. (This was the race that got me into nationals, but that was the only chance I ever had to get a gold medal in our conference and I just barely missed it.) So not really a failure, but man was i so close.

25. Do you have pets?

- No

26. What's your dream pet?

- Dog. Samoyed.

27. Any weapon you own?

-I own a lot of medieval swords. Swords are cool.

28. Any gun you want?

- Not really. But i've thought about getting a permit at some point.

29. What religion are you?

- None. I was raised in a christian household, but i never practiced.

30. If you could hang out with one historical person for a day?

- Andrew Jackson.

31. If you could bring back one dead person for a day?

- My old friend from Highschool who died in a skiing accident his junior year in college. I’d bring him back so he could see all the people who gather every year to honor him during the summer at my highschool.

32. Are you political?

- I have my views, but i keep them to myself. Politics only causes arguments and is used to divide people. I'd rather focus on what I have in common with people.

33. Are you married?

- No

34. Do you have a special sompony?

- No

35. Do you have a crush?

- No

36. Care to explain?

- No

37. Do you consider yourself attractive?

- Someone once tried to get my attention by calling "Bruce Wayne" so i guess?

38. If you could hang with any living person?

- Very obscure, but there was a 100 year old man that worked out at an gym i used to work out at. Every once in a while I see a few old guys gather (Mind you these men are like 65-70 but this guy is THIRTY YEARS OLDER THAN THEM.) And they ask him about stuff. I’ve heard this 100 year old man tell stories about how his grandpa fought in the CIVIL WAR. So when my brain was done exploding I sat nearby and listened to this guy talk about stories his grandfather used to tell him about stuff that happened in freaking 1861 to 1865. I havent been there in a long time, so i can't say if he's still alive, but given the chance i would have LOVED to sit down with this guy for a while and just listen to him talk about his life because he LIVED through a lot of things I learned about in history class.

39. Favorite pony?

- Soarin

40. Any embarrassing secrets?

- I write stories for Ponies.

41. If you have done any art or writing, what are you most proud of?

- I wrote a 300 page fantasy novel for my final project my senior year of college. I think I can write better now than I did then, but I have my own paperback copy of it so it feels kinda awesome.

42. Are you a virgin?

- Nope

43. Craziest thing you've done with no regrets?

Writing a story that's well over two million words long and still growing.

44. Craziest thing you've done that you do regret?

- Belly flopped off a diving board. I don’t care how much you were bet, NEVER DO IT.

45. Do you have a fetish?

- I like buff/muscular ladies.

46. Do you regret saying this fetish?

- No because I was an athlete and was always around athletic/muscular ladies (at least in Track and field). There's something very attractive to me about it. Nothing to be ashamed of.

47. Favorite FIM stories?

- honestly couldn’t say, but I will credit LOYALTY as my initial inspiration to write my own Soarindash fics.

48. Favorite quote?

- Success is not final, Failure is not fatal: It’s the courage to continue that counts. –Winston Churchill

49. Have you ever hurt someone just to hurt them?

- Never.

50. Did you answer these questions honestly?

- Yes.

Just figured i'd share :)

Want to know more? I was interviewed here: Click here :)

Wonderbolts! Go! Go! Go!

The Wonderbolts are the core characters that i like to work with. As a former athlete with lots of experience in training and team camaraderie, i was drawn to them and have used them not only to create my own unique cast of character personalities, but also as a medium to share lessons, hardships, and memories that i've had within the stories i've cast them in. I feel that there are a lot of bronies who haven't experienced the life of an athlete, or know the more casual, bonding side of it. The Wonderbolts have given me a chance to share it with everyone.

This fantastic piece of art belongs to inuhoshi-to-darkpen

I would like to extend a thank you to those who worked on the Wind Project... i shall cherish it always :)

The Wind Project

Want to hear the voices i hear in my head when i write all my characters? (mainly from Piercing the Heavens)

Check out the blog:

The Voices In My Head

Want to see comics based on my stories by Sweet Isolation? Check out this tumblr:

Comics for Calm Wind

Check out the page dedicated to me and some of my closest friends here on Fimfiction:

The Pegasus Posse


Looking for the fanart?

If you came up to me two years ago and told me people would draw art of my stories and ideas, i would've laughed and said, "Sure, that'll be the day..."

Well guess what, it started happening recently... and i honestly don't know what to say... except a quiet "yay"

(Not ALL of my fan art is posted here... a few pieces have been left out because they depict major story events and i wish to avoid spoilers. If you have drawn something for me and it is not here, it is on this blog:Spoiler Warning Fan Art

The art is organized by what point in my timeline they appear ^_^

Fan Art Archive 1

Fan Art Archive 2

Fan Art Archive 3

Fan Art Archive 4

Fan Art Archive 5

Fan Art Archive 6

Fan Art Archive 7

Fan Art Archive 8

Fan Art Archive 9

PenumbraGlow0290 Fan Art Archive 1

PenumbraGlow0290 Fan Art Archive 2

PenumbraGlow0290 Fan Art Archive 3

PenumbraGlow0290 Fan Art Archive 4

PenumbraGlow0290 Fan Art Archive 5

PenumbraGlow0290 Fan Art Archive 6

PenumbraGlow0290 Fan Art Archive 7

PenumbraGlow0290 Fan Art Archive 8

Colorstrike Fan Art Archive

Art of Mine, and my friends OCs:

Fanart of Calm Wind and Rivet part 1

Fanart of Calm Wind and Rivet part 2

Fanart of Calm Wind and Rivet part 3

Fanart of Calm Wind and Rivet part 4

Art of Swift Justice, Shine Struck, and Playbitz

And some extra gifts of a different nature!

Archive for other gifts!


The Writer: Calm Wind The Editor: Kestrel

All three pieces above done by: Scootafail/Chiweee

(NOTE: Kestrel has only edited TWO of my stories. Flying Sky High and Piercing the Heavens. The rest have not been touched by him, so it's not his fault they are full of errors, it's me and my lack of editing skill before he appeared and made a difference xD)

Post submission edits often caught and brought to attention by: Lucky424

He is also my backup editor when Kestrel is busy.


There has been a changing of the guard over the years. Kestrel and Lucky helped me for a long time, but Kestrel has moved on and Lucky has been absent for a while.

As of right now my editors are:

Main Editor: Delphina

Extra pair of eyes: Zoljen

The motivation?: All of you. Thank you so much for reading. It takes a lot of time and effort to write and nothing is more motivating than having it acknowledged.

Groups I Run or Help Run


SoarinDash fans!

Looking to write a SoarinDash fic? Want some advice/want to bounce your ideas off of some more experienced writers?

The SoarinDash Library

I along with three other great SoarinDash writers: KrishnaKarnak, TorontoFCbrony, and Rumble are here to help, as well as offer a fun casual environment for you and those into SoarinDash.

Come join us! ^_^


Have you read my work and want to take a crack at writing some of my characters? Due to interest, i have opened up my world: The Wonderverse, for all my followers to take part in. Have an idea after reading my timeline? Want to share it with me? Come on in and join! Every piece submitted to the group will be featured in a blog on my front page just as i do with fan art for all my followers to see. ^_^

The Wonderverse

Come join the fun!

(the Wonderverse has also led to the creation of several fan groups!):

Wonderverse Theorum Lounge

The Expanded Wonderverse

Wonderverse Art Museum

Comments ( 1628 )
  • Viewing 1,624 - 1,628 of 1,628

Hi Calm! I know it has been a while but how are you doing? I hope you are doing good :pinkiesmile:. Although it has been more than a year since the last update, I still reread this story from time to time, I just finished going through it again yesterday:twilightsmile:! I am still patiently waiting for the next update no matter how long it takes. Always stay safe Calm^^:rainbowkiss:

You are the fandoms version of Homer, Virgil, and Dante!:twilightsmile: Hope all is well.

I can't wait til the next chapter! I come here often to check and see if it's been posted! I never been so dedicated to a book before!

Well hope you post it soon
But since it's a spectacular story it's worth the wait


well everyone except for me figured out pretty quickly that im a little nuts :pinkiecrazy:

  • Viewing 1,624 - 1,628 of 1,628
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