Violet HillA tragic love story, featuring Rainbow Dash and TorontoFCBrony
73,543 words
· 328 · 25
Til Kingdom ComeThe sequel to Violet Hill, only nowhere near as sad. It feature's Soarin's stories of his time in the Equestrian Army, as well as the couple raising their daughter, TorontoFCBrony
21,066 words
· 160 · 9
Princess Twilight Series
A Guard and a PrincessThe now-completed comedic romantic adventure of Flash Sentry and Twilight TorontoFCBrony
111,668 words
· 1,330 · 203
A Prince and a PrincessEvil creatures raising from the underworld, a national sports event, an entire other dimension—what will cause the newly-married Twilight Sparkle and Flash Sentry to be apart next?by TorontoFCBrony
5,003 words
· 232 · 57
Scootaloo goes to foalsit the Cake twins after Pinkie Pie mysteriously disappears. There is nothing but silence in the house; the perfect scenario to get some good reading done. Except for the fact that there is a giant batpony on the loose.
The Celestia CodePrincess Twilight Sparkle discovers a centuries-old mystery hidden in the Royal iisaw
69,133 words
· 2,856 · 65
Catch YouSometimes you don't know how much you truly love a friend until you lose PinkiePie35
12,289 words
· 630 · 28
Tiny WingsScootaloo has always been a filly with big dreams, but can they all come true?by DeadParrot222
35,581 words
· 1,070 · 14
When We Were YoungCelestia has been having recurring dreams; dreams that she wishes would go away. But they only increase in their frequency. One night, she gives in and visits that statue in the royal garden. The statue that haunts her sleep. The statue of her FlimFlamBros.
26,943 words
· 646 · 18
A Little PushRainbow Dash is a great flier, leader, friend and wife. It comes as a shock when being a mother proves far more LuminoZero
7,203 words
· 1,482 · 25
Hey! I would appreciate it if I could get some professional feedback on my masterpiece!
- MLP: FiM
- Adventure
- Random
- Thriller
Follow the journey of a little girl who takes her football to the next level!Thank you for reading friend!
Ever think you'll get back into fic writing?
Reading your work and really enjoying it ^^
Greetings to you too
Greetings fellow Canadian