• Member Since 25th Oct, 2012
  • offline last seen July 16th



Shiny Skorupi · 3:09am Mar 5th, 2014

So i just caught a shiny skorupi in pokemon x, which makes it the third shiny pokemon that i have ever found, because i caught a shiny drowsee in pokemon soulsilver and a shiny herdier in pokemon white.

Report rayta27 · 462 views ·
Comments ( 161 )
  • Viewing 157 - 161 of 161

Thank you for the fave on Dense as Diamonds. Please enjoy your purple marshmallow fluff. :raritywink::twilightblush:

Thanks for the faves on "A Dream of Change" and "Sisterly Bonding"


Tea, i hate coffee.

tea or coffee?

Thanks for the fave!

  • Viewing 157 - 161 of 161
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