• Member Since 2nd Jul, 2013
  • offline last seen Last Wednesday


One who fantasizes about what it would be like to live in Equestria.


Iv got something special for you


HIE in a nutshell 😑 · 6:44pm Oct 19th, 2017

It's almost savage how accurate this is. :rainbowlaugh:

On a serious note I would be very happy if a few generous ponies could list some horrible cliches done in HIE. Just out of curiosity~

Cheers~ ;)

Report Mlp_BladeDancer · 549 views ·
Comments ( 220 )
  • Viewing 216 - 220 of 220

hey bladedancer

you dont know me but i saw that you follow Chris Brown, and i'm tryna find him

did you ever speak to him?

im usually ded on here if you wanna say hello im usually on the app amino in the equestria community

2433366 omg I love skittles!!! *Nom nom*

  • Viewing 216 - 220 of 220
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