• Member Since 19th Feb, 2013
  • offline last seen September 25th


just your average recreational hallucinagen user

Comments ( 40 )
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Thank you for the fave on A New Beginning. :twilightsmile:

Thanks for faving Horse People Go Naked

Thanks for the watch! I appreciate it!:pinkiehappy::twilightsmile:

Ponies come and ponies go. Whether into the swirling void or into restful sleep, the only thing that keeps a loved one around after they're gone are our memories of them and the places they share with us in our hearts.

Thank you for making The Incandescent Brilliance a part of yours.

Thank you for the favourite, and thank you for the support, and I hope that once more in the future we may travel the universe together.

- KR

1149085 you're welcome for the follow. And the name is the nickname I have had since being a small child. I was like a bear cub, apparently so my father started calling me cubby. Around the time I got an Xbox it had morphed throughout the years into cublins. And that's the story of the origin of equestrian., if you're lucky maybe I'll tell you what my name means next time.

  • Viewing 36 - 40 of 40
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random box because i dont know how this shit works