• Member Since 19th Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen May 11th, 2019

Lightning Star


A quick rant/update · 4:53am Nov 25th, 2014

For those of you who care I am still alive with some good news: I'm working on the next chapter of Elements of Kinkyness. For those readers of Blooming the Wrong fruit, I have some news that you may or may not enjoy. I'm completely scrapping the story and starting over. Because honestly let's face it, that story was a total mess. I'm going to start over with the same basic idea but write the story better. I'll give the story better pacing, a much better plot, and much more pleasant to read

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Comments ( 8 )
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You still there?

You got rid of the best chapter in Celestia's Tapes why?

Thanks for the follow! :ajsmug: :heart: :pinkiehappy: :pinkiehappy: :pinkiehappy:

The picture... It doesn't lie...


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