• Member Since 16th Jan, 2013
  • offline last seen July 17th


You deny the darkness in your soul! You deny your power!


Explaining Pinkie Pie's magic, and magic in general. · 4:31pm Jun 16th, 2014

Okay, I just had an idea, its a work in progress, so bear with me.

Pinkie Pie is an earth pony, one of the strongest earth pony mages around (like Rainbow dash is one of the strongest Pegasus mage around).

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Glad you're enjoying Displaced into Nothing so much you gave me a watch! :3

Thanks for the watch!

It's alright, if you remember which one it was I'll give you a link to it.

I saw one of your stories in one of the group things, decided to check it out and kinda misclicked... Sorry.

Thanks for choosing to follow me, hope you don't mind me asking. But what made you choose to do so?

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