• Member Since 5th Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen January 3rd

Rain Firis

Fate fell short

OC trash

Drawn by yours truly. Representation of my character in that one shitty fanfic I wrote about Discord.

"I will burn everything you love."

Bare bones, bare bones
Fickle fickle precious stones
Paralyzed or sterilized
Reach deep into the dragon's eyes
Strife and trouble, bare bones bubble
Take the crown and crop the rubble
Til rosy red lays o'er the grey,
And we await the dawn's new day.


Everything Dark and Grim · 2:51am Jun 28th, 2013

I just made a group if you like dark stories or want to add your own or another users dark story this is the group:
Everything Dark and Grim

Report Rain Firis · 469 views ·

Gifs I am somewhat fond of





Welcome to my page

I like dark, gore, and war, if you have a amazing story you recommend don't hesitate to share it with me.

Hey guys, god knows why you'd be reading this but here's a little about me. I'm 20 years old and usually I'm in the shop working towards my welding certificates. A little advice, you probably shouldn't read my stories as I was only 15 when I wrote those and I'm a bit embarrassed but I'm reluctant to delete them even after so long. I'm still interested in writing but it's honestly hard to make time between welding, tending to my array of plants, and taking care of all my pets. I'm gonna try and be a bit more active when I can but I honestly only go here to see if Diaries of a Madman has been updated lol

I live in California, San Diego and have been part of the mlp community since 2012.

Comments ( 765 )
  • Viewing 761 - 765 of 765

Merry Christmas! :twilightsmile:

And a happy new year! :pinkiehappy:

Read my Chaos, Fire and a Pinch of Romance! #Discord #Gore #Fluttershy!

And I think you may like my other story, TiCK ToCK!

Thanks for the follow!

Thanks for the follow! Though I'm curious as why you would do so.

  • Viewing 761 - 765 of 765
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