• Member Since 16th May, 2012
  • offline last seen Mar 28th, 2020

Midnight Spark

Sorry to say that I'm going to be doing nothing more than reading when and if I'm ever on here. See the blog on my user page for slightly more info. Arrivederci..

Editing: Current/Past

Currently Editing:
Nothing. And it's unsure whether I ever will again.

Edited Previously:
· Rites of Ascension by CvBrony
· The Rites Encyclopedia by CvBrony
· Rites of Ascension: Fireside Tales by CvBrony
· Overcoming The Day by Spacecowboy (Chapter One—?)
· Dead Space: Divergence by MidnightSpark23
· Fragments of Memories by Starwin
· Equestria: The Dark World Chronicles - Praying for the Broken by Maniacomplex
· Currently Unposted by Journeyman
· [NSFW Link Redacted.] New Experiences by Sai-guy
· Currently Unposted; To Teach an Old Seadog New Tricks by Sai-guy
· Love and Barriers by CvBrony
· Designing Intrigue by CvBrony
· Waiting is the Hardest Part by totallynotabrony
· [NSFW Link Redacted.] Just Experimenting by Holy
· [NSFW Link Redacted.] Care t'repeat That? by Holy
· [NSFW Link Redacted.] Ladies' Night by Holy
· Sharing the Night by Cast-Iron Caryatid (Chapter 6 Proofing/Editing)
· Grounded by Miss Dark Angel
· Home is Where the Heart is by smileyfacer
· Falling Skies by smileyfacer (Will be moved back to 'Currently Editing' after smileyfacer returns.)
· The Price of Being Best by smileyfacer
· An Immortal Life by Crazyjoe33 (Unsure if alive at the moment. If/When I hear back, this will jump up to 'Currently Editing.')

[List will be updated as needed. I highly recommend each fic. Go check them out!]

List does Not include stories I comment corrections on. I don't even want to try to figure all of those out..
Also: I more than likely forgot some here and there. Forgive my memory, as well as my failure to make note of everything at the time.



To Whom it May Concern (Pt: 2) · 4:52pm Mar 2nd, 2015

If you don't want to hear me talk about life nor about me taking a possibly permanent break from here, then don't bother opening this.

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Report Midnight Spark · 630 views ·

Random Babble About Me:

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Comments ( 182 )
  • Viewing 178 - 182 of 182

Thanks for the watch.

1479444 I really appreciate that. And it is a bit of a shame, the story can really go places I'm told. Only time has been my enemy haha. And sure you deserve it. It's only fair, and it is of course always nice to have more MLP fans around haha.

You earned both, haha. And I have a good bit of experience with being on hiatus... So I understand that. Look forward to seeing more!
And thank you for the follow as well. Even though I really don't deserve it.

And for watching haha. I've been on major hiatus but hopefully I will be updating soon.

Hi thanks for faving!

  • Viewing 178 - 182 of 182
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