• Member Since 10th May, 2012
  • offline last seen Nov 3rd, 2015



Ponies, I'm hooome! · 3:39pm Sep 10th, 2013

Hello everyone!

Yes, it is I, and I have returned from Cambodia, and a short trip to Vietnam! If you're a wee bit curious, you could check out my blog (which is now 'over'), to see what I've been doing - www.lillefiostorverden.blogspot.com! :D I've actually been home for a bit over 2 months now, but life is stressfull and hectic as always.

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Yes, definitely! Fear not - just sorting some stuff about my journey, and it takes up quite some time :)

Are you still going to write falling skies?:scootangel:

Oh hai! Thanks for the watch! :rainbowwild:

LOL I do remember that! and...you where able to take a picture of Chris Martin...so CLOSE?!? :rainbowkiss: so AWESOME!


Oh, that's cool!

Goddag = good day! :pinkiehappy:

  • Viewing 37 - 41 of 41
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