• Member Since 23rd Nov, 2012
  • offline last seen May 23rd, 2014


I shall vow to follow everyone.

Meet me, the shadow. No, seriously, watch this. It's pretty cool. It's pretty much music halfway between classical/instrumental and dubstep (made by Lindsey Stirling) with cool choreography.

It kinda sounds like what would happen if Vinyl and Octavia worked on a composition together. Except, y'know, with a violin instead of a cello.


My new goals on FiMFic for the summer · 8:46pm Jun 16th, 2013

Oh, but first, new record: :pinkiehappy:

(I already checked my notifications, but this is a new high!)

EDIT: Actually, it's 29 now. c:

Alright, I suppose it was about time to make a new blog post.

Recently, I've been trying to become more active on this account. Although I admit, I personally don't have time to say hi to everyone, I do:

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Report Follower · 1,202 views ·


Oh my. I cannot withstand the cuteness of these ponies! FANDOM GIF SPAM! I will try to put up a new one every week!
Updated on 6/24/2013

Next time: TBD

Here, have some fandom appreciation.

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I shall carry on your legacy

Hello? Are you alive?

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