• Member Since 7th Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen Aug 18th, 2015

Silver Cloud

I Guess I Wrote These


Oh. Oh dear. You probably all thought I died. · 10:12pm Dec 12th, 2012

Close enough.

I've been busy educating myself for the last good while. Which means my visits to the site have been somewhat... less than frequent. If you follow ImJustAnotherBrony, you may have noticed his requests for a new editor. This is simply because I haven't been able to give him enough of my time to the decent job his work deserves. I definitely didn't have the time to do any of my own writing.

Past tense ^

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  • Viewing 52 - 56 of 56

Yo, buddy. You still alive?

Would you mind going here and telling me what you think? Any thoughts or feedback would bee nice.:twilightsmile:

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