• Member Since 1st Apr, 2013
  • offline last seen Jul 25th, 2013



Damn. · 7:22am May 20th, 2013

Dear 502-Alekusu,
Your story Flapping has failed moderation on FimFiction for the following reason: I don't even have a proper fail message for this.
Please make the required changes and resubmit.
Please check the FAQ for additional information and rules, or feel free to reply to this PM if you're unsure of anything.'

EDIT: Here it is, for those who care.

Report 502-Alekusu · 618 views ·
Comments ( 185 )
  • Viewing 181 - 185 of 185

664404 Wait, did he really kill himself?
Holy shit if he did.

where did you get that pic and where can i find the full version



His life was pretty much shit, he couldn't find any way to improve it, to come out of the cycle; best option for him was to kill himself. His blog got deleted though, and his account got banned but he's going to be remembered forever.

  • Viewing 181 - 185 of 185
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