• Member Since 29th Apr, 2012
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Possible Removal of Story · 6:48am Jan 14th, 2014

First off, to anyone who saw my earlier... outburst, I'd like to apologize for flying off the handle like that. But I've calmed down and done several hours' thinking, and I am genuinely considering removing "Field-Testing A New Spell" from this site - and thus, from the Internet at all (unless someone's copy-pasted it somewhere else on the 'net and not told me. ...Knowing people, that's a disheartening possibility).

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Comments ( 14 )
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Comment posted by ChazMLPFIM deleted Dec 6th, 2020

I have a sonic crossover idea for u

Thanks for faving Music is Magic :twilightsmile:

Thanks for the fav on 6 Shades of Rainbow :pinkiehappy:

Comment posted by NotATree deleted Jan 14th, 2014
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