• Member Since 30th Nov, 2012
  • offline last seen August 13th


Not much to say, I love to draw. But when I'm not, I read.

Comments ( 13 )
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Comment posted by WillieDash deleted Feb 15th, 2019

Absolutely, love the presentation in the story. Don't be afraid of adding elements of development to lengthen your story. Take your time, because your a very good writer. Keep up the good work.

thanks for the fave on "Solving a dazzling puzzle" :twilightsmile: stay tuned for a new chapter next week (if everything in my schedule goes as planned)


Awesome! Take your time with the story. Quality > Quantity and all that good jazz.

Yeah, I've just found myself with less time to write than I thought I'd have since my job doesn't have a set amount of hours so it's different each week.

  • Viewing 9 - 13 of 13
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