• Member Since 7th Oct, 2012
  • offline last seen Mar 21st, 2017


"1/4 hipster, 3/4 kawaii"


Appreciate my work and want me become an even better writer by helping me through college? Want to exercise the element of generosity? Want to make me feel loved?

Please support me over on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Dreamscape

If you don't use Patreon but have PayPal please donate to my email: flutterpie132@gmail.com. Even the smallest amount helps. Thank you!

My amazing avatar was done by the very talented Praetorius

This wonderful art of me was done by the even more wonderful UniqueSKD

Commission Info

For commissioning, price negations, and or any questions please contact me via Private Messages

Commissions Are Currently ON HOLD. I'm hella busy, bruhs

All Prices are in USD. Prices can be flexible if you'd like to work something out, otherwise what you see is the standard price
1,000-2,500 words: $25
2,500 - 5,000: $30

Short Story
5,000-7,500 words: $40
7,500 - 10,000: $45

10,000-12,500 words: $55
12,500-14,000 words: $60
14,000-16,500 words: $65
16,500-19,000 words: $70
19,000-21,500 words: $75
21,500+ words: Price will be negotiated

Additional Fees
Any OCs: $5
Completely OC Stories: $10 (Any OCs price will be waived)
Obscure or Unusual Fetishes: $5 (I may refuse depending on the fetish)

PayPal will be used for all payments

I do apologize for this, but commissions will not have a deadline. I have a busy life and do not always have time for writing. I'll do my best to finish any commission as quickly as I can.

I may refuse certain commission ideas if I don't get a good feel for them. I apologize for this as well, but I can't write if I don't have any good inspiration.

Information About Me

I'm an 19 year old male who is from and currently living in the state of South Dakota in the US. I began to enjoy writing at a young age, and even began attempting to write short stories and create my own comics around the age of six or seven (they weren't the best, of course). I sort of lost that great imagination of mine as I grew older; but it suddenly sparked back to life only a few months after I began watching MLP over two years ago. Sadly, in my case, but very good for you, MLP is the only thing that actually does inspire me to write.
EDIT: I write other stuff now too! Here's a link to my FurAffinity account and my fanfiction.net account:
Contact Info:
Skype: flutterpie132
Kik: Dreamscape132

(Don't be afraid to add me. I enjoy just chatting with all of you, and also would love to rp if you're interested)


School Matchmaker Project Part Deux · 4:08am Aug 27th, 2016

I seemed to get a fairly good amount of traffic from over here on the last Love Live! story I linked for you guys. So I figured you may be interested in the sequel. If that's the case, here's the link. Enjoy!


Hope everyone's doing well,

Report Dreamscape · 573 views ·
Comments ( 308 )
  • Viewing 304 - 308 of 308

Don't know who you are, nor why no one noticed you left, but I hope you're doing alright, and thank you for writing for this site.

This looks like a pornhud on fimfic. *Follows*

You sir, put bad ideas into my head. I will never forgive you.

1914541 To be honest, it doesn't look like you write the sort of stories I'm interested in anyway; I just like supporting fimfiction writers on Patreon. :coolphoto:

If it will salve your conscience though, you can always support me back on my Patreon. Rewards start at only 10 cents. :raritywink:

  • Viewing 304 - 308 of 308
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