Adagio Dazzle 910 members · 917 stories

Adagio Dazzle. 90% less DBZ than the previous villain, and probably 140% more bitchiness than Sunset Shimmer.

I suck at descriptions.

Comments ( 66 )
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Best description of adagio I’ve ever heard: Adagio Dazzle. 90% less DBZ than the previous villain, and probably 140% more bitchiness than Sunset Shimmer.

Especially from someone who claims their bad at descriptions

the best dazzling

Hey, Dagi. How much shampoo and conditioner do you use to make your hair look so beautiful and poofy?

I love being a Sith.

395737 what does that make you?

Adagio is best *coughs and gags*
Nope, I tried.

I deny everything

394047 Being a harbinger of the internet, i sometimes like to think that I've seen everything it has to offer. But, every once in a while, i find myself surprised surprised. This is not one of those moments. This is not one of them, nice try though.

  • Viewing 47 - 66 of 66