• Member Since 26th Jul, 2019
  • offline last seen 6 hours ago


I want to make clean, concise and elegant eroticism... about horses.

Blog Posts

  • 4 weeks
    January 18th, 2025

    Sorry I didn’t make a post for the last story published. The last couple of months have been challenging, and things aren’t letting up much. Still, I wanted to get something out there, so a new story should be up soon called Wizards Out of Place, in addition to the other story Passion on the Pitch, the latter suggested by user superfun.

    Cheers, and Happy New Year! :twilightsmile:

    2 comments · 29 views

What I am Here For

Hello, you! :ajsmug:

As you may have guessed, I primarily write erotic (more or less) short stories, typically one thousand words in length. I created this account in order to practice following through with a project, and to become more familiar with the process of online publication.

My mission is one of self-discipline, but also self-expression. I want to experiment with the odd concepts that pop into my head, attempting to seize brief-yet-intense bursts of feeling that come with certain ideas and see if they hold up when that idea is put into writing.

Even for us adults, the human attention span is quite short, and many of us struggle to maintain focus and to find motivation. Hopefully these brief glimpses into other worlds, (worlds often filled with sex and horses,) will be an enjoyable distraction at the least, and not take too much of your valuable time. :twilightblush:


I made a group! Come and see!

[Adult group embed hidden]

Comments ( 11 )
  • Viewing 7 - 11 of 11

Yeah, sorry. I've been really busy. I'll message you when I can.

Hey man, you wanna talk?

That's good to hear.

I do actually really like ELO. Their music really cheered me up during some tough years. :pinkiesad2: :pinkiehappy:

  • Viewing 7 - 11 of 11
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