Meet Alex, a human from our dimension, and now they are getting calls from ponies from the my little pony friendship is Magic series to solve not just human friendship problems nearby but also fix his friendship with his old friends. And the world 2.
Princess Luna's sister returns after 1000 years on the moon and Twilight sparkle will do everything in her power to stop her and defend her country and her mother.
In a city long forgotten by those in power, a detective is tasked with a case unlike one he has ever taken on before. It pays well, which is all that matters to him, but what he doesn't know is it could very well cost him his life.
Meet Alex, a human from our dimension, and now they are getting calls from ponies from the my little pony friendship is Magic series to solve not just human friendship problems nearby but also fix his friendship with his old friends. And the world 2.
Brian, an adventure-seeking motorcyclist, sets out for a weekend camping trip with friends, expecting nothing more than scenic mountain roads and off-road thrills
A valiant steed is thrown into the land of Equestria during a fierce battle between her rider and another. Epona must find the missing Elements of Harmony bearers to prevent a total collapse between her world and Equestria's.
Woken from hydrostasis and thrown into the depths of The Complex, an unending maze of darkness and death, an untrained Twilight must navigate lethal missions, and grotesque horrors.
Ditzy Do's eyes aren't broken. There's nothing wrong with her. She's just watching something. Something in the corner of your eye. For Goddess's sake, don't look.
Everypony has their secrets. Twilight never imagined those her own best friends might be hiding from her, until one of her new duties as a princess brought her stumbling headlong into a side of Equestria she never even knew existed.
When Twilight Sparkle went to bed, she had friends she loved and a life she enjoyed. But she awoke to hospital gowns and padded restraints. And the doctors, they keep telling her that she is sick and none of it was real. They’re lying, right?