Dark 3,793 members · 8,445 stories

16th most stories of all groups! And one of the oldest too... it's Dark!

Welcome, all fans of dark fiction, share your stories here! Entertain me, would you?

(this group is the 72nd group ever created... I created it on the day the feature came out in 2012, and I thought it was for privately organising your library... so here we are, one of the most popular groups on the site, created purely by accident... :twilightsheepish:)

Comments ( 208 )
  • Viewing 189 - 208 of 208

I'm can searh finfic?

Hello! I'm looking for a Fimfiction that I read a couple of years ago. Twilight was gathering her friends to reminisce. The problem is that she's doing this in an apocalyptic world where ponies apparently now praise monstrous beings like gods as if it's totally normal. Rarity in a dialogue says that they have been like this for centuries, and apparently the monsters destroyed her clothes and raped her from time to time and it hardly affects her at that point. Spike fights a monster on AppleJack's farm and earns the respect of god or something. Fluttershy has bugs living inside her and Discord is the only one who is worried about how the ponies live now. Rainbow fights a soldier and before killing each other they decide to pray for a few last minutes. Although in Rainbow's case she says that her way of praying is more to give thanks for everything. yes, to the monsters. Then apparently Celestia and Luna live locked in Twilight's castle and lost their minds, like Daybreak and Nightmare Moon. But Daybreak uses Celestia's voice to try to gain compassion from Twilight, he lost and Twilight beat him up. In the end, everyone in the castle remembers the past (and apparently they did it from time to time, I don't know once a year or a week...) and gave thanks for everything. Oh and Pinkie terrifies monsters, seriously, they fear her, they don't even try to kill her and those who try die.

This is a longshot but worth looking for imo.

A long time ago, probably like at least 7ish years, I read a story on FimFic regarding Fluttershy as a filly, where her mother rented out their house to different tenants who did atrocious shit to her. I should specify it wasn't clop or anything, but had seriously dark elements to it, and was written so intensely that I want to reread it again so badly and see if it holds up to how I remember it.

I have no clue who wrote it, and like I said, this was years ago. However, I'd be seriously stoked if someone was able to recognize which story I'm talking about and refer me back to it.

I looked through the Fluttershy tag in entirety here but no luck. Hoping someone who's a veteran to this site knows what I'm talking about. Hopefully it wasn't also deleted.

I just wrote my first story and it's really fun and violent! If anyone wants to check out a poor mare having a really really bad time feel free to read it~

hey, I've always been a fan of the grim dark and mysteries delivered in story format, I mean a lot of people I know think I'm weird cause I watch horror movies for fun, this ain't nothin different, I've always liked fanfics and horror, mix those with your favorite tv show and bam, we get this. love it

Comment posted by lordofthecosmos deleted Jan 29th, 2023

hello!! i love writing unnecessarily dark shit, usually about murder and torture. went ahead and joined to hopefully promote my stories to the right crowd, cus aha most people on the front page dont like gore :rainbowwild:

Hello, I'm a brony writer who's trying to branch out to different genres. I'm also a big fan of horror movies.

Hello all,

I'm a writer/poet who experiments in the verse novel format (a cross between poem and narrative fiction).

It is a little different but then I enjoy it and would like to share it with you. I hope you consider giving it a chance :)

I've pasted a link to my adaptation of the Cough in Verse below. It is written in mostly iambic pentameter rhyming lines.

The Cough in Verse

Its nice to meet everypony! Im new here and you should expect some stories from meh!

no, but thanks!!I found someone to look at it.

Still need help?

hey, I'm doing a horror story of how the mane 6 would have died if they where young. this is kinda based off of some speedpaint videos made by the same creator blits azalis dash. could one of you reread it for me and help me publish my chapters for this story?


If y'all don't mind, I could use some pre-reading on a story of mine! :twilightsheepish:

EOur Day in Disdain
Rainbow Dash is forced to confront the ghosts of her past and the life she left behind. Lest the one she built for herself crumbles in her hooves.
Rainb0w Dashie · 30k words  ·  43  7 · 1.4k views

I am currently working on a slasher story about where a pegasus applies for a job at a grocery store in Manehattan, and falls in love with another employee. But things start turning out deadly!

https://www.fimfiction.net/story/468327/the-creeper I created a unique horror story and I think this is the right way to post it I just put out a new chapter today please leave me your feed back if you read it or tell me if this is the wrong way to post it

Comment posted by Vexpony3 deleted Dec 24th, 2019

So I'm making a story about The pony of Death

Get ready...

  • Viewing 189 - 208 of 208