Everything Dark and Grim 943 members · 1,823 stories

Like dark, grim, and depressing stories? You've come to the right place. Feel free to add any of your favorite dark fics, or add your own fic. As long as it has a dark tag.

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Comments ( 30 )
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Hey guys, I'm back after taking a break from writing for a while. Anyway I wanted to ask - would anyone like to be my proof readers for a new fanfic I'm working on this month? I'd really appreciate the help. Thanks. :heart:

Hello all,

I'm a writer/poet who experiments in the verse novel format (a cross between poem and narrative fiction).

It is a little different but then I enjoy it and would like to share it with you. I hope you consider giving it a chance :)

I've pasted a link to my adaptation of the Cough in Verse below. It is written in mostly iambic pentameter rhyming lines.

The Cough in Verse

Figured the cover photo of Twily on this topic's discussion would be a good bit of forshadowing to the magnum opus I'm cooking up lately: https://www.fimfiction.net/story/467967/carnation

Updates on the story come every Monday too. You won't wanna miss a moment of Vis, gentlemen.

Comment posted by Golden Fang Ryu Shenron deleted Jul 17th, 2022

Looking to make new friends who are as twisted as I am.

Hello everyone.

This thing popped up in my recommendations just in time for halloween.

that is the best picture of twilight :rainbowlaugh:

Hi, everyone! Glad to be here! I hope you’re having a wonderful day full of inspiration. :pinkiehappy: Expect some stories from me soon!

I'm writing a story titled "Tales from the Equestrian Others-the Fallen Angel of Ponyville". It's a story that progressively grows more disturbing, but with a Slice of Life aspect.
Nopony will give my story the time of day though.
I'd apperciate it if anypony would read it and maybe drop a like and a few comments.
Thanks you.

Are you really allowed to post random stories (which you yourself wrote, no less) to the “best of the best” folder? If so that name doesn’t mean anything.

Hi every pony, I am a Gore Obessed Pony! If you are a Pony who likes that stuff, read my story TiCK ToCK


Damn it, Angel! Here too? Ugh!... Lol

this is as dark as it gets:



This saccharine treacle is about as dark as a fusion reactor-powered Brite Lite.

200th member
i want a cookie

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