"Tales from the Equestrian Others" Q & A · 11:18pm Mar 22nd, 2018
Confused about a detail in my main series?
Want to discuss with our fans what you want to see happen next?
Want to pitch an idea?
See your OC implemented into the story somehow?
Interested in story art?
Post it here!
I am ready and willing to answer all and any questions related to "Tales from the Equestrian Others"!
Let's be frank here: Your avatar is pretty funny!
Yeah, my pleasure really!
Really loving the story!
Keep it up, you're an amazing writer!
One of these days I'll have to publish some more chapters.
Thank you for favouriting "Equestria 485,00"
Sorry, I've been busy.
More exams, I have an essay to write, commission work, house work, and homework. Not to mention my work work.
I plan on writing this weekend.
Sorry for the wait.
Lass!? Where have you gone?
It has been over a week that I last heard from you. I hope everything's okay. When will chapter three be posted?