Best Soul
Home Again Sunset just wanted to fix the portal to Equestria, not cause the apocalypse. Again. 60,139 words · 160 · 4
All These Midnight Days Reformed and Human, Midnight Sparkle has a whole life ahead of her. Oh... joy... 145,470 words · 167 · 3
Anarchy: Pony of Chaos Fluttershy and Discord decide to have a child. May the Gods have mercy on their souls. 154,476 words · 221 · 11
Hey Tori I don't know when you might see this but I wanted to say sorry about Ninjadeadbeard. I know you two were close on here.
My favorite... let's see. Well, Twilight's pretty great, but.. not sure if she counts? So, OC-wise, Firestorm.
I don't necessarily have a favorite scene -- for me, that takes a reread or two. I'll get on that. I suppose, for now, I'll say... well, taking Chapter 1, for instance, cuz I just went back; first there's Twilight, and then there's Sakh. Even though they're basically opposing forces, you clearly know them both equally, and write them accordingly. I like that.
Though, you know your comedy. And those scenes are priceless.
Aww! Thanks! Who's your favorite? What's happened so far that you like the most? Sorry if I seem eager. I'm just really excited.
Almost done with the current chapters. They're good!