This is a sequel to Midnight at the Crystal Library and Home Again.
Midnight Sparkle, once a figment of Twilight's imagination and her own personal demon, is now a normal human girl. And the latest member of the Sparkle family. Plagued by guilt and shame over her previous actions, insecurity at her origins as a part of another's mind, and uncertain over her place in the world, Midnight will have a long road ahead of her. But, with the love of family and friends, her sister Twilight, and even that of the Princesses across the mirror, perhaps she can find a place of normalcy, happiness, and acceptance in this strange new world.
Special Thanks to Stinium Ruide for Editing and Proofreading. You are awesomesauce.
Part of the Anarchyverse
Of course as anyone, and anypony will tell you, this competition was all in Sci Twi's head. I very seriously doubt Princess Twilight saw it as one between them.
Also. Why is this not marked as a sequel to Home Again and Midnight at the Crystal Library?
Huh... could have sworn it was. I added MatCL to the description in any case.
And, yeah. Sci-Twi's ego/self-esteem issues were entirely in her head, poor thing.
So midnight is a clone?
More like... Home Again spoilers: Midnight and Twilight came to an understanding (the power of friendship!!!) and decided to split themselves into two bodies. One was Midnight, the other Twilight. They decided to continue on as sisters. Midnight's still adjusting to being a person.
You thought of make Midnight being a manipulated by other being? Like a bully who is a psycho?
Not sure that I understand what you mean? Care to PM me?
And as soon as I finally finish Home Again, the next story is already up... well, here we go!
Oh boy.
No telling what else they’ve forgotten until it comes up. I can only imagine they’re going to search for a way to alleviate it, but who knows if there even is one....
Baby steps indeed. Nothing like getting the cold shoulder from someone you remember as a source of unconditional love... but at least Midnight got to engage in some long-awaited venting.
The mental consequences of the fission are as fascinating as they are disturbing. The magic of friendship grows, yes, and that clearly applies to the geode, but minds are not so easily nor cleanly divided.
As for Midnight's other issues, at least she's getting them out in the open... though I do not envy the other Shadowbolts right now.
Speaking of whom, Cinch's methods clearly weren't as good as she made them out to be of Twilight's delarture wrecked the averages that badly. Cadence has some serious work ahead of her.
Looking forward to seeing more of this world.
Most of the school was too busy backstabbing and sabotaging each other to study.
Clearly you are not watching enough Isaac Arthur. He can tell you exactly what happens when you use one of those.
This was great.
Nothing else to add.
A kitten, then.
"In her defense, that's her work uniform."
"Yes, and the fact that she never burned that place to the ground only shows the depths of her restraint, especially given your skill with flames."
"It's part of the Canterlot Mall."
"Your point?"
Overall, a very good day for Midnight... though the implications still lurk in the background. Disqord may have dismissed this one too readily. There's a lot left to deal with.
Maybe I should get you to write my jokes...
This was a great chapter! I was going to list off some stuff I liked, but then I realized I would just be summarizing the entire chapter.
I will say though that the part with Spike and Midnight was interesting. Just seeing how he figured out that Twilight and Midnight are two halves of the same person he used to know. If that makes sense. 
Spike lives a hard life.
Honey I shrunk the kids reference?
Well, that’s a hay of a first chapter. I am 110% invested now!
Which one? Spanish, IoM Imperial or GE Imperial?
Midnight making friends and finding her groove
Just binged this and its two prequels. I could read 50 more chapters of this! Midnight is adorable!
All the best people are crazy, all the best people are.
There is not enough L
L in the world.
At least that accident didn’t automatically start a food fight like those seem like to in most stories.
...well, I did see where this was going, but that didn’t make it any less of a trip. Funnily enough, it’s not even the first EQG fic I’ve read where Disc/qord inserts himself into the past, and specifically Celestia’s.
"Not the time, I know, but pencil in trying to use the others' geodes. And maybe have Sunset take an in-depth look at our minds."
Don't we all?
Ah, Professor Cordwood. Because nothing in the deal said no time travel.
Derpy doesn't get a descriptor. Derpy is.
Specifically, Derpy is confused and more than a little embarrassed, both by her faux pas and on Flash's behalf. But that's basically her default state. Poor Best Human.
"Spike beat me. You just took advantage of my emotional vulnerability and pulled this one back to the fore."
"Oh, I'm 'this one' now?"
"We can't be buddy-buddy cuddle sisters all the time."
Not when you're expecting it, silly.
Any instance of Discord as Ms. Frizzle makes for a fantastic mental image.
"I'm anything but average!"
Brilliant madness all around, sprinkled wih some fantastic bits of pathos and character development. The Sparkle siblings still have to sort out who they are, but at least they have some great friends to help then through the process.
So, does this mean that Flutters will have the wedding ceremony set up for right after the graduation ceremony?
If it is after her 18th birthday, yes. Otherwise, she shall wait.
I picture 'Cordwood' having some interesting chats over the years with 'Time Turner' and 'Clockwork'
Good stuff. But shouldn't at least part of their reaction be "let's put our heads together with Princess Twilight and Starlight and see if we can find a way to copy over our missing memories?"
Why does everyone represent human shining as a cop? It completely contradicts what he should have done when Cince was extorting twilight with blackmail
This was went from heartwarming and sweet to bloody scary in seconds!!! I really hope they find a way to fix this 😢
I shead a few tears when midnight was holding onto candence. Another wonderful heart warming chapter
You clever bugger disqord!!! Hahaha!! I realized he would have done some amount of time travel to get teacher of the year but not 67 years
I want more😍!!!!!!
I agree!!!!
I wish there were more stories about midnight becoming her own individual. I just cant find them if they do exist
Whoops! Just noticed this comment. Disqord merely won Teacher of the Year 67 times. He’s actually been there since... um, probably the literal beginning.
Alright then. When will we see a new chapter?
Soon! Just finishing up a story, then doing an update for another. Then, this. Couple weeks, tops. Knock on wood.
More like knocking on a thick tree
Considering that it's implied he wasn't there it would make sense as to why he didn't act if that was true.
You are a very fast reader, my friend.
That was me being super excited to see a new chapter popping up. Now I'm definitely feeling. YEEEEESSSSS!!! At the start it was hard to pick between midnight and trixie or midnight with aria. But I'm definitely shipping midnight with aria!!!
"Liberal arts! I'll never live it down! It's not even a soft science!"
I would love to see one Luna train the other in dream magic.
"Still, they do wonders against vampires and invading fae."
I've always liked the idea that knowing about Nightmare Moon contributed to Sunset's rebellion. If she felt like she was just a tool or pawn to bring Luna back into the fold...
"No!" it cried. "This point will remain ambiguous and the audience is just going to have to deal with it!"
Not really something to brag about... though this is Trixie. Bragging's her ground state.
Or, in the case of Trixie and Rainbow Dash, blue.
This explains so much, and yet so little.
Other than the general miasma of negative emotional energy you gathered around the school.
Fluttershy confirmed for hoopy frood.
Midnight belting out Skullcrusher is amazing and I love it. Though now I wonder if Twilight ended up shifting to more of a soprano. Either way, it's definitely not helping Aria's developing crush.
"I'm trying very hard not to think too hard about that."
And speaking of Aria... Oh, that date will be one to remember. Looking forward to it.
Yup. Basically. But... you read The Legend of Trixie as well, don't you? Might be we'll get some answers there...
Point of order: why is there no Luna emote? Best Princess deserves more love.
"I-it's not l-like I like you or anything, baka..."
Coming right up!
Moon horse, Metalshy, and Midnaria. This is a good day.