
Viewing 1 - 20 of 195 results

A Post Long In The Making (Or: Fate of Alive, Not Alive) · 5:26am Oct 24th, 2020

Heyo, peeps and readers. I hope you're all doing alright during this global pandemic and chaotic time we're all in. Just to let you know, the reason why I don't say much on here in the way of blogs is that I usually don't have much to say unless it's important. Though what I'm going to say is important, I'm making an effort to communicate more frequently. With all that said, let's get right to it.

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I won't be quiting, cause I overreacted. · 5:46pm Oct 26th, 2016

So hey there my loyal and dedicated fans.

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Report zalla661 · 398 views · #Not canceling

Glitched Memories Update · 4:57pm Apr 22nd, 2022

So uh, this is about My Glitched Memories stories

I have been struggling a bit with writing the plot, it’s honestly just my motivation for the story in general and trying to stay in the MlP universe alone, without going overboard.

So, I honestly think that the Glitched Memories story, is honestly gonna be cancelled, unfortunately, I don’t think I have the motivation right now.

Sorry for those who want to see it.

- Blackstar Shine

Report Blackstar_Shine · 137 views · #Cancelled

Ends, Beginnings · 3:18am Jan 26th, 2020

Alright, some updates; I’ll keep it short.

Scars in the Sky is cancelled. My apologies to anyone who was expecting chapters; I truly don’t mean to let those down. I just don’t know what I’m doing anymore with that story, and that doesn’t feel good.
Big thanks to everyone who supported Scars, I appreciate you all.

My other stuff will update. When Time Waits recently published, and I've several more stories just past their beginning points. But I can't

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Report Toriandthehorse · 414 views · #cancelled

Zero 30 canceling · 12:44am Sep 30th, 2015

I'm thinking of canceling this fic:ajsleepy:. It's not doing well(views, fav, likes, ect), the story is off, and the ending I relies will be rushed, like jumping a month rushed. I'm sorry for the four of you who actually like it, but this fic is by far the worst I've written. Though I still will write the sequel and side story, I don't think I can finish this in be happy about it. I may restart up The Binding of Harmony in

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I'm So Sorry... · 9:02pm Sep 19th, 2017


I'm sorry. That's all I can say.

Attention, for everypony who is tracking Fall of Harmony and enjoying it so much: I might be cancelling it.

I'm sorry! I just can't find it in my dearest heart to continued it!


Report PixelMoon · 389 views · #cancel

Dog Days Is Getting Cancelled... · 3:52pm Dec 31st, 2017

Hey everyone, Rare Twinkie here. I know that nobody wants to hear bad news on New Year's Eve, but I wanted to tell you guys that I'm considering cancelling Dog Days for two reasons: one, I haven't been into MLP:FiM as much as I once was (the last thing I watched was the Equestria Girls shorts); two, I've realized that some things in the story were inaccurate (namely with the portrayals of Huck and such); and three, after coming back to the story after not doing anything in a year, I realized

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Report Rare Twinkie · 270 views · #cancelling

Canceled · 3:25am May 31st, 2017

So for anyone who cares I am canceling back to school. It is just I have gotten bored writing for it and nobody really enjoyed it. I may one day finish it but for the moment it is canceled. Reaper out.

Report Winter Fox · 395 views · #Canceling

Cancel Marked? · 9:24pm Aug 10th, 2015

I know I put Marked on hiatus, but before then there wasn't many readers anyway.

So that brings me to this question: Should I cancel Marked? Post in the comments if you think otherwise.

Report Dark_Soliloquy · 351 views · #cancel

Cancelled. · 3:49pm Jul 8th, 2018

Hello everyone.

To those of you who loved and read my story...thank you but this may be it. Throughout the few months of writing and modifying Rising Above All, I've gotten mixed reviews which were mostly good. However over the last few weeks I've realised that persons have began bullying and saying negative things about me and my work through PM...horrible things that have left me to come to one conclusion. I'm deleting the story and the rest of the chapters that were yet to be updated.

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Report Emperial Star · 1,382 views · #Cancellation

I Don't Like "The Final Strike." · 12:49am Feb 11th, 2022

Hey guys. I'm not sure how else to say this, but I'm not too proud of The Final Strike. I didn't have a plan; I knew little about the show's lore, and I was basically either distracted by real life, such as college or stuff going on at home (I live in a pretty hectic family), or just couldn't come up with anything substantial. Not to mention, I have two other projects on my table: one being the worldbuilding of my own separate story that I've recently decided to reboot and the other being a

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Report BlackDragon · 155 views · #cancellation

With heavy heart... · 1:35am Jul 4th, 2018

There's no really easy way to say this, by my heart isn't in The Alchemist and the Mirror anymore.

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Report Seven Fates · 570 views · #Cancellation

Cancelled Projects · 8:50pm Jun 24th, 2022

For those who enjoyed reading "A Forgotten Legacy" and "Equestria Girls: Adventure Quest" I do apologize but the ideas are not flowing so I wasn't able to come up with anything new.

I will try to work on new projects in the future once my GoT fic is done.

Report Valiant Charge · 215 views · #Cancelled

A Bridge Between Brothers Cancelled. · 11:05am Jan 10th, 2019

This was a long time coming... I had been debating canceling for two or three months now. There was just too much going against continuing it for me to feel like I could do anything other then cancel:

The story was written as a sort of a quasi but not quite reboot of The Keeper trilogy. Same "characters" but a different story using similar headcannon when it came to culture/magic but history not only with the world but with the OC characters. Strike One

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Report Rammy · 364 views · #cancelled

Cancelling (some of) my stories · 12:48am Aug 10th, 2016

Hello, to anyone who is reading this. I apologize for not being on the site for a long time. However, I have sadder news regarding my stories: I will be discontinuing most of my stories on FIMFiction.

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Canceling story · 6:34am Jul 4th, 2016

For now at least I am canceling my council of three powers story. Simply because I have no idea on how to proceed with it. Just imagine a happy ending and such.... I have no idea on how to continue it. The last chapter was a flop and I just cut pull off depressing as well as others. If you want the story that came before this one, pm me, I'll try and send you it. No ponies, but it's pretty nice story.

Report Sanguine Eyes · 291 views · #Cancelled

CoS Cancellation · 2:01am Mar 21st, 2017

And this time, it's for good.

I'm sorry, I truly am. I tried to find some sort of inspiration for this story, but I ultimately couldn't. I believed that I could somehow actually complete this, but I guess I was wrong. I suppose I burned myself out. With a story already making tremendous progress and many other things getting in the way, I just didn't find the time to work on this.

I hope I can make something that'll actually work, and again I'm sorry.

Report CrowR · 298 views · #Cancelled

Experiment Flopped- HPat6OW · 11:57am Jul 18th, 2021

It is with a sad note that I say this story is now being cancelled. I've thought about this these last few days as I've pondered the idea of a rewrite for it, only to have even the momentum for that at this time come to a crashing and grinding halt. Right now it seems that I just have very little motivation to write much of anything aside from roleplays (and even then some of my motivation for that has been swaying up and down the scale). At the end of the day though with all my pondering for

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Report Kayin Dreemurr · 270 views · #Cancelled

We must save it. And now. #Savelucifer · 5:08pm May 15th, 2018

Yeah, I know this isn't my usual blogging stuff but when I heard about this I had to let as many know as possible. It happened as much as I feared it wouldn't. Fans are so heartbroken and though the news had been out for a few days now, it's still disheartening for me to find out after the season finale. Lucifer got canceled... But we can still save it.

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Unfortunate News About Fall Apart [+ An Explanation For My Inactivity] · 4:53pm Mar 20th, 2020

I'm assuming that most people who were reading my fanfic "Fall Apart" have already either given up on it or forgotten about it since I haven't updated in over a year, but I just wanted to make it official for anyone who's still hoping to see a new chapter...

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 195 results