• Member Since 25th Oct, 2014
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago

Valiant Charge

Why do we fight? To protect home and family, to preserve balance and bring harmony. The true question is not why we fight but rather "What is worth fighting for?"


He's really gone.... · 7:37pm July 6th

It's already been a week since my grandpa was buried and I already miss seeing his face and hearing his voice.

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Report Valiant Charge · 37 views · #Family
Comments ( 306 )
  • Viewing 302 - 306 of 306

ohh that kind of journey. nothing really clicked.

Oh no not them being sent there but some parts of 40K or at least say guys from earth isakeied to the mlp world with some 40K gear

I have but I don't think the girls would last five seconds in the 40K world...

  • Viewing 302 - 306 of 306
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