• Member Since 4th May, 2015
  • offline last seen Dec 18th, 2021

Passions Star

I am a philosopher and spiritualist, I like to help others when I can.

New Story / Collaboration

A Change in Pace
Chapter 1 is now out.
Chapter 2 is now out.
Chapter 3... (Suspended indefinatly)

Hand Made

Fluttershy Tail and Belt, made by my own two hooves

MLP Forever!


The scoop on the poop · 11:36am Jun 8th, 2019

I went into the hospital on Thursday for pre-heart surgery testing and got home Friday night, I have two blocked arteries that will require bypass surgery and a calcified heart valve that requires replacement. Surgery is this coming Tuesday at 5:30 am.

My next stay in the hospital will be 5-7 days after that.

I will update this post as the process completes.

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Thankie for the fav on One Sprout, Many Buds! :pinkiehappy:

Thanks for the follow!

Hello my old friend, it's been awhile, how are you?

Congrats! You reached 500 followers!

Thank you kindly for the follow.

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