• Member Since 10th Jun, 2015
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No dictator, no invader, can hold an imprisoned population by the force of arms forever. There is no greater power in the universe than the need for freedom. Babylon Five


Here I am · 11:40pm June 8th

Sorry for the late post anyway I am working on the next few chapters of Rainfall. I am also getting ready to move States. I love Wyoming but winter here is getting silly.

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Two month post · 1:32am March 23rd

Well, I haven't posted a blog in a while. But we have one more chapter of the meanwhile arc and then we are on the Dream Valley arc. We will be working hopefully I can get Rainfall done. The main heroes need to get through their parts of Dream Valley. Now the dream part will not be long. Two chapters each for each hero and then the final part and the war will not be as long either. I want to get to the final story in the universe Journeys end.

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THe new year · 2:09pm January 2nd

Well, happy 2024 everyone. I just posted the first chapter of the year for Rainfall. Again I am going to be focusing on Rainfall now the Dream Valley arc will be not that long. I don't want to have this story go on forever so each hero of Ruby's friends will follow a path in Dream Valley and meet up at the heart of it. Then they will head to Flutter Valley to save Rosedust and try to confront Omega. I plan on trying to get this story done if I can before July or June. So I am going to be

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End of the year · 11:22pm Dec 14th, 2023

Hey everyone I know I haven't done much this year. But I will be trying to focus on it. I have nine chapters of the meanwhile arc left. Then it will be the dream valley arc. After all that, it will be time for them to return home. So what I will be doing with that? The return home will be its own chapter. It won't be like many chapters it will be one big chapter of them heading home and it will be the end of that. Then the war will start. The war will be its own little arc. Of getting

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Writing · 10:49pm Aug 29th, 2023

I won't be doing many of these blog post for awhile but I want you all to know I am focusing on the FOE rainfall and Project harmony I want to get one of them at least done this year. So One arc is close to being done in Rainfall the meanwhile arc

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Writing again · 10:32am Jul 13th, 2023

Sorry I had a long break been writing again soo getting stuff done might not happen but going to work on it hard.

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Hey all · 4:44pm Apr 26th, 2023

I am back I will be working focusing on Rainfall I had to take a little break to regain my mind. So now since I am back I will be focusing on Rainfall and Project harmony my other stories wil be on the back burner till both of those are fully completed so I am going to try very hard to complete both this year.

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The new year · 4:19pm Jan 1st, 2023

Hello, everyone, I have returned and I will start writing stuff again I took the rest of December off to rest my mind for a while. Now I will be writing stuff again but I won't be releasing it till maybe late this year. Thank you everyone hope this year is better.

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1st of the month · 3:17pm Nov 1st, 2022

Welcome to November well I got a story ready to be released. It's called Dragon's Sorrow: Tales of Dragon's Rest. Now that I have the story ready to be released. I will be releasing it on the 15th. Now I did say before I would be writing a lot of chapters and then releasing them in November. I came up with this. I will be using November, December, and Jan to write chapters now if I get a big backlog they will be released before then. But I feel I need three months to make sure I get ahead of

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Update for this month · 9:04pm Oct 3rd, 2022

Well as you notice I haven't said much but what I am going to be doing I am going to be taking somewhat of a break. I am going to write but not release anything. I won't be releasing any chapters till November 1st to give me a bit of a time to get a big backlog of chapters so I can release them over Nov and December so I will be writing just again won't be releasing I am happy you all are sticking with me just six chapters in one month and releasing them was a bit much after a while. So it's

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