The Cupcakes and Cuddles Club 189 members · 505 stories

Weekly Announcement: Welcome to the group! Feel free to post and promote whatever you like; even non-pony stuff!

Group Chat and Steam: Join the group Skype chat, Discord chat, and Steam group by following the links posted in the pinned forum post here.


Our Slogan: We're one big happy reality challenged family.

Do you like cuddles? Do you like cupcakes? Then this is the group for you. Originally made by LyraAlluse and The Wandering Bard the Cuddles and Cupcakes Club is for two things: Cuddles and Cupcakes. So join this club if you love cuddles and cupcakes and may the cuddliness be with you. :twilightsmile:

Post Whatever You Want:

This group is about promoting whatever you want and talking about whatever you want; even non-pony stuff!

It is open for everyone who wants help with their writing or wants to promote their stories in the group folders.

If you don't like groups that are random and have a lot of posts, then I wouldn't join. Otherwise kickback and have a fun time!

- You can post brainstorming threads.

- You can promote your stories in the forum.

- You can post stories in the appropriate folders.

- You can discuss fan theories

- You can discuss episodes and movies.

- You can also post and promote non-pony things and off topic things, too.

- You can pretty much talk about anything you want in the forums, just as long as you keep the topics family friendly.


Read about the group rules here.

Join The Insane Creators Guild:

Feel free to join my creativity sharing group, The Insane Creators Guild.

- Feel free to post whatever stories you want in the group story folders.

- Feel free to promote whatever you want in the forum area.

- Feel free to post story ideas, get feedback on stories, discuss fan theories, and post pretty much whatever you want.

You can join here:

Join The Share Center:

Feel free to join LyraAlluse's creativity sharing group, The Share Center.

- Feel free to post whatever stories you want in the group story folders.

- Feel free to promote whatever you want in the forum area.

- Feel free to post story ideas, get feedback on stories, discuss fan theories, and post pretty much whatever you want.

You can join here:

Join The Nightmare Factory:

Feel free to join LyraAlluse's horror and creepypasta themed group, The Nightmare Factory.

- Feel free to post whatever stories you want in the group story folders.

- Feel free to promote whatever you want in the forum area.

You can join here:

Join Lyra's Fan Group:

Feel free to join The LyraAlluse Fan Group made by The Wandering Bard.

- Feel free to post whatever stories you want in the group story folders.

- Feel free to promote whatever you want in the forum area.

You can join here:

Join The Eye of Cygnus:

Feel free to join LyraAlluse's paranormal themed group, The Eye of Cygnus made by Plain Hunter.

- Feel free to post whatever stories you want in the group story folders.

- Feel free to promote whatever you want in the forum area.

You can join here:

Join Night Fall Kingdom:

Feel free to join LyraAlluse's bat pony themed group, Night Fall Kingdom made by Root Beer.

- Feel free to post whatever stories you want in the group story folders.

- Feel free to promote whatever you want in the forum area.

You can join here:

Feel free to also join The Crossover Guy Fan Club

You can join and add in your own stories! Promote whatever it is you want! Be it your artwork or your stories! Feel free. :D The group was made by my FimFic little bro, Chase123.

Comments ( 24 )
  • Viewing 5 - 24 of 24

419459 Aww thank you so much. XD

Gasp, cute group ♡

413168 Hello there! You go to stories and click on the folder that you want to put you story in. Then you just click the option that says add story. I hope that this helps. :)

I'm making a story for this group and I was wondering how to put stories in folders...

412230 lol Well at least you noticed eventually. XD

412106 you know, on Thursday I noticed for the first time that your picture has waffles on it. If it helps, I proceeded to viciously facepalm myself until the feeling of stupidity went away

412102 Yes indeedy doodle. XD


410905 We are all reality challenged here. You are among friends. ;)

so... you're all realitically challenged as well?
Sorry, i thought i was the only one

404201 saddening i know.:pinkiecrazy:

404203 Okai. :) *Cuddles*

You walk into THE INTERNET and bring your ponies and your cupcakes and your cuddles and you DARE feel happy? On the INTERNET? For shame.

I'll let you off with a warning this time, but know this: The only cuddles allowed on the internet are the ones between Neighponese shoolfillies and tentacle monsters. And me. You can cuddle me.

Someone cuddle me.

404201 Sorry? We'll add a special little area for people who like those cupcakes?

I was lead here with promises of Cupcakes.

What I expected:
What I got:

...Internet 0, Humanity 1.

This group disgusts me.

404197 You're welcome. :pinkiehappy: And thanks for adding the touch of beauty I couldn't add at the moment. :twilightblush: My PC doesn't have a mouse.... Or a fucking keyboard that isn't this touch screen shit.

404177 I am highly amused by this as well. :rainbowlaugh:

404180 Yes thank you kindly for making this a reality. :)

  • Viewing 5 - 24 of 24