• Member Since 24th Dec, 2012
  • offline last seen Aug 11th, 2023

Soaring Soarin

Because if there's an opportunity, no matter how small, to bitch at something, people will do so.


I still use this site somewhat... · 7:24pm Jul 26th, 2020

I still use the site to keep up with still ongoing stories and to take a peek at some new ones if you're reading this and care to keep up with what I'm doing I'm mostly active on the hellscape site known as twitter


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Comments ( 240 )
  • Viewing 236 - 240 of 240

Thanks for the fave! :pinkiehappy:

What happened to New TGD? Did Vlade delete it or did someone paint a target on it again?

I'm not good with keeping up with trends, but I see you only check out things here snd there on this site, so I'll join the tradition and say thanks for the views and the follow.

Thanks for the follow! :yay:

BABY!!! <3 *hugs*

  • Viewing 236 - 240 of 240
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