"You either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villain."
A group for stories involving our usual heroes or heroines becoming corrupted and evil, or simply a villain. For more information on what makes a Fallen Hero, read this: Fallen Hero. (WARNING: TVTropes. You might sink deeper in the vast information).
A LITTLE BIT OF WARNING: Most of the stories in this group are Dark fics. If you don't like reading Dark fics, it is best if you don't join this group. Thank you.
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Hola soy nuevo :v
Flight tells the story of a pegasus rebellion against the oppressive batpony regime. As an allegory, it delves into the nature of depression, trust, truth, and revelation, seeking after a greater Light. Enjoy!
So does Evil is Easy, Governing is Harder count? it is a bit of a parody of the whole Fallen Hero type of story, so i thought i'd ask.
336591 Oh, kind of like how one of my OCs gets banished after becoming an alicorn because he created necromancy.
Yes, yes, YES!
How about they did something terrible to save the world and banished themselves for it?