There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed.
– Ernest Hemingway
Current Projects
I've recently been working on a new story: Insatiable, about a demon and a girl who use shadows to fight with paladins. Check out the teaser chapter!
I'm also beginning work on a children's book called "Quantum Kitty" (name temporary): a cat that has quantum mechanical effects on macroscopic scales. Hopefully this will be a more enjoyable read than some of the dry physics books on the market at the moment. :3
My Proofing Arsenal
Grammar Check
Hemingway App
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Friends and Family
Blog Posts3
Featured Stories
Flight For the last two centuries, batponies had brainwashed pegasi to believe aviation was impossible for the feathered. Flight follows the pegasus rebellion as they discover their true natures. 43,496 words · 26 · 3
Before Flight In a dystopian world, a repressed flock of pegasi discover they can fly. Flight chronicles the rebellion against the repressive regime. 15,809 words · 20 · 4
Return to the Hive Thorax tries to teach friendship to the hive. It doesn't go quite as he hopes. 2,657 words · 22 · 2
Favorite Essays
The Nature of Proof in the Interpretation of Poetry – Laurence Perrine
* how to interpret poetry (there can be an infinity of explanations while still being limited)
Good Readers and Good Writers – Vladimir Nabokov
* fundamental traits readers and writers should pursue
Education by Poetry – Robert Frost
* teaches how to make metaphors powerful
Seeking after the Good in Art, Drama, Film, and Literature – Travis T. Anderson
* shows how to approach art consumption
Politics and the English Language – George Orwell
* Endorses writing with brevity, clarity, and power
* Also has one of my favorite quotes: "The great enemy of clear language is insincerity."
Pixar's 22 Rules of Storytelling
(This one is just bullet points, but they're good bullet points!)
If you have any insights from these essays, I'd love to discuss them with you!
Top Favourites
Absolutely Batty A slip of the tongue leads to a melodramatic confrontation. 5,504 words · 1,118 · 14
An Affliction of the Heart Can a creature that feeds on love ever feel it? 35,358 words · 5,285 · 92