Princess Twilight Sparkle of Friendship 327 members · 337 stories

All hail Princess Twilight!

Welcome to the group for all the bronies who like Princess Twilight. Fell free to join if you think she is best princess and would join her kingdom, or feel free to join if you just like Twilight in general.

She has saved us from many disasters including one of her most recent victories against Tirek, the evil demon from Tartarus.

Feel free to post any stories that include Princess Twilight in them.


Our collations :)
badass Twilight= Total domination

Comments ( 35 )
  • Viewing 16 - 35 of 35

Do you literally have nothing better to do with your life than spam this group?

Oh I slash the assassin know princess twilight sparkle defeated tirek and I slash the assassin have a villain that princess twilight sparkle can challenge the ghoul of Ghostbusters the destuctor of Manhattan gozar the gozaria ladies and gentleponies I slash the assassin give you gozar the gozarian the god of Ghostbusters.

Oh I slash the assassin know princess twilight sparkle defeated tirek and I slash the assassin have a villain that princess twilight sparkle can challenge the ghoul of Ghostbusters the destuctor of Manhattan gozar the gozaria ladies and gentleponies I slash the assassin give you gozar the gozarian the god of Ghostbusters.

Oh I slash the assassin know princess twilight sparkle defeated tirek I to have a villain that princess twilight sparkle can challenge gozar the gozaria a god behold gozar the gozarian

Oh I slash the assassin have a villain that princess twilight sparkle can challenge gozar the gozaria a god behold gozar the gozarian

Comment posted by SLASH AN ASSASSIN deleted Nov 26th, 2019
Comment posted by SLASH AN ASSASSIN deleted Nov 26th, 2019
Comment posted by SLASH AN ASSASSIN deleted Nov 26th, 2019
Comment posted by SLASH AN ASSASSIN deleted Aug 12th, 2017

Man...have you been watching a different show than I have?! Pinkie Pie=Chaos. Pinkie Pie+a situation where she can't make everypony happy=

The beginning part of this, multiplied by a varying quantity.

Twilight is adorable! And also objectively the best pony.

Comment posted by I love princess twilight deleted Jan 26th, 2016
Comment posted by I love princess twilight deleted Jan 26th, 2016
Comment posted by I love princess twilight deleted Jan 26th, 2016
Comment posted by I love princess twilight deleted Jan 26th, 2016

Twilight sparkle for the win! :twilightsmile:

380357 I guess it is quite possible, if you are into the notion, even if most of them have neigh-ther interest or use of wings or horn in the first place.
They probably all have their separate groups as well, if you like to following up here?

I generally do prefer them as special, which is the way they are already.

380101 You're quite welcome, just happy my new perspective is appreciated.

Maybe they thought they broke a ballance by giving her wings? Although they seems to enjoy Flutter Bat as mad?

Pinkie Pie may be an Earth Pony in name and family, but if you look at her, she never could allow that to keep her on the ground.

If we don't watch it, she may turn on just another type of Pony we never saw before?

Oh wait,. she was a modern Breezie with the rest of the group too ..

371365 Twilight was an Alicorn from the start, we just did not see more than the one scene of it, before the 'Ascention'.

Actually, on second thought, she could be nothing but the Alicorn.
We have a Flutter Bat and a Pinkie Pie, what ever you choose to call her 'Type'?
Is there anything Pinkie Pie can not do? she even requie 'Love', in her very own fashion, which basically rouned her up there, since we know she have levitation, flight and yet more gravity control?

Oh well, I just posted a new story with our very latest Princess Twilight.
She still does love her reading. :yay:

  • Viewing 16 - 35 of 35