• Member Since 19th Dec, 2020
  • offline last seen Last Wednesday

Agent Bright

I wanted to be a professional FanFiction Reading Recorder someday! And I'm also a big fan of HiE stories!

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Comments ( 19 )
  • Viewing 15 - 19 of 19

Heeey! I was really surprised when i saw the watch, (saw the watch... grammar? What is that thing? - l o l -) considering that i couldn't publish anything yet.

I have a few fanfics on process but i have issues to upload them sadly, so... basically this is a Reader Account at least until i figure out how can i do to put my stuffs in here.

Aaaanywaaay... thankies again! :3

Your welcome,
I totally like cozy glow with any human fiction!

Thank you for joining the A Cozy Redo Group!

Thanks for the watch!

  • Viewing 15 - 19 of 19
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