• Member Since 4th May, 2015
  • offline last seen Yesterday


Just a guy writing fanfics. I also draw and make music, which I try to include in my stories as well. They/them.


If you like my stories, consider supporting me on Boosty! There, I post twice as often!

Something About Me

I'm Elu, an agender aromantic pansexual vegan anarchist 🏳️‍🌈. I'm a hobbyist writer, artist, and musician. I mostly write MLP fanfics, and I have a few projects for completely standalone novels that I will explore later down the line.

My biggest passion is writing, and I think I became reasonably good it at it. I speak Russian and English fluently, but I write almost exclusively in English.


Want to discuss my stories? Want to play with me? Just talk about things?

Join Elu's Discord Server


Posting Schedule · 10:54am Jan 2nd, 2023

Look out for this post once in a while, I will update the schedule depending on what I am ready to post.

January 2023 - Ongoing:
'Salvation | Rebirth' is posted weekly here on FimFiction, twice a week on Boosty, Monday and Thursday respectively.

Report Elu · 169 views ·

Important Announcement · 3:12pm Mar 11th, 2023

Long story short, I have decided to unpublish my earlier stories because I'm not comfortable with them. That's the gist of it.

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Report Elu · 741 views ·

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Comments ( 63 )
  • Viewing 59 - 63 of 63

Hope you're having a good life.

Comment posted by 23 KM To Nerdiness deleted Oct 21st, 2022
Comment posted by 23 KM To Nerdiness deleted Oct 21st, 2022
  • Viewing 59 - 63 of 63
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