• Member Since 5th Dec, 2012
  • offline last seen Yesterday


I'm a brony... like everyone else on this site...yeah


The Story · 11:51pm Feb 26th, 2015

Well everyone who actually reads these, I've started on chapter one and will hopefully be finished with it in the next few days. I would like some suggestions if any at all for the story. I know where the chapter is going but every little thing helps. For anyone who wants to know a little more about the story well...

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Report timelord2511 · 432 views · Story: A New World, A New Life ·
Comments ( 134 )
  • Viewing 130 - 134 of 134

Thanks for following, mate!

2326856 well I always love your stories so it's a fair trade

Thanks for the fave on AJUO! Also, I always loved your profile picture when I say it around KnowYourMeme.

Thank you for the Watch. :twilightsmile:

  • Viewing 130 - 134 of 134
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