• Member Since 29th Oct, 2012
  • offline last seen Last Thursday

Mr Stargazer

"Philosophy; it's like breaking the fourth wall, but in real life." - Mr.Stargazer

Comments ( 526 )
  • Viewing 522 - 526 of 526

Oh yes, I am quite the commenter on stories that are truly great. everything I read on here.

I'm glad it helped. I might have started it but many others contributed. I hope you enjoy the stories and let the authors know how good their stuff is.

Just want to thank you for the Good HiE list. Definitely helped me find some stories, though some are still in my read later.

Thnx I'm quoting myself. LOL

Thank you for adding my story to your bookshelf! :heart:

(BTW, love your philosophy quote!)

  • Viewing 522 - 526 of 526
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