• Member Since 3rd Mar, 2024
  • offline last seen 6 hours ago

Tape Deck

I'm an avid reader and commenter on this site, and I also have a passion for music. As well as weirdness.|Bands you should check out.|

The Three Best GIFs In Existence.

Bask in the presence of this adorable little Derpy.

Stories That Need More Readers (Click to see more, this is just a randomly generated selection.)

Hey, thanks for stopping by! Favorite Stories and my page's chat window ⬇ Underappreciated Ones➡ (Under the GIFs and the Derpy)

To all those authors who have spent their time writing great Fics for this site, thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for all of your Wonderous Stories. They have occupied the majority of my personal free time since last August, and I expect to be here for many happy years to come.

(The song is Wonderous Stories by Yes, and it is truly magnificent. Very fitting for the level of creativity, time, and thought put into the stories on this site.)

Three Random Stories From My Favorites (Changes every time this page gets reloaded.)

Comments ( 902 )
  • Viewing 893 - 902 of 902

Well sometimes Flurry Heart (the one I always come back to) or another random one sticks around for longer but

yeah, you're right

I'd be shocked if you went 3 days without changing your profile pic

Thanks, and knowing me, there's a good chance it'll change tonight yet again.

Yooooo you changed your profile pic to Nyx, excellent taste in story:raritywink:


I just meant Nyx from Past Sins, who's in the image.

Did you make a joke? Gotta say that was…


I’ll see myself out.

Looks like you changed your pfp to resemble to how I like my coffee!

As in sweet.

And it'll be back soon, but I guarantee you haven't seen the last of angry sunbutt.

  • Viewing 893 - 902 of 902
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Tape Deck's Mixtape: Track 76 · 5:19pm 7 hours ago

It hasn't been that long since I used Coldplay, but while listening to one of their albums yesterday, I found an unmissable opportunity.

I'm definitely not one for "waifus" or any of that nonsense, but nonetheless:

"Green Eyes" from the 2002 album A Rush of Blood to the Head.

What? Why are you looking at me like that?