• Member Since 8th Nov, 2012
  • offline last seen January 22nd


>_> ... Well, look at that.


So are bad months refundable? · 5:29am Jan 27th, 2017

So I have a question. It’s a rhetorical question mostly, but I’ve been wondering if I can get a refund on my January. Don’t worry, this blog won’t be all griping, but I do feel like it could do me some good to just vent a bit so I can start fresh when February kicks off. Also fair warning, few parts of the blog might be a bit gross.

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Current Writing Project

What Didn't Happen: After

In the Works:
Interlude - Day Dream

So, the next installment is finally done. A five-parter side story that tells us a bit about Princess Twilight's past, and sheds a bit of light on the troubles that her Equestria had with changelings.

And I do apologize for it taking a while, but what I originally thought over a year ago that was going to be a single chapter side story ended up turning into a five-parter that's 21k words.

Why did I not post chapters as I completed them? Well, I didn't want to leave cliffhangers, seeing as I'm not exactly the fastest writer that there is, so I decided early on when I knew it was going to be a multi-part side story that I wouldn't post it until it was completely done.

I plan to start posting the chapters tomorrow (Oct 8th, 2018) and post one each evening until all five are up.

Zeg's Stories

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Comments ( 8 )
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I loved the way your profile was presented, and by the way, an excellent catalog of recommended stories :moustache:


Alright, I'm up for a random survey.

  1. I like mustard better than ketchup.
  2. Yeah, I am pretty busy most weekdays, an extra hour of sleep would be neat but I'd probably just stay up an extra hour later in the evenings if I had one. As for what it would be worth? Hmm, is there like a monthly subscription? I'd go for $30 a month. About a dollar for each extra hour sounds fair.
  3. Always been a night owl.
  4. I like fall. Not too hot, not too cold, not as much stormy weather.
  5. Oh boy, a mech suit, let's see...
  • The egg bot? heh uh.. no
  • The metal face thing looks neat but I'd be afraid of breaking it.
  • Ah cool, the Megazord... oh wait I have to share it? meh :/
  • So the APU, tons of bullets... yeah, sure. That'll work. I'll take one of those.

Hey, buddy! How ya doin'? Got time for a random survey? If so, then splendid! Answer the follow questions below.

-On a hot dog or hamburger, do you prefer ketchup, mustard, or both?

-I don’t know anything about your personal life, but I assume you are always on a tight and exhausting schedule that leaves you feeling stressfully tired. With that in mind, how much would you be willing to pay for an extra hour of sleep in the morning?

Are you an early bird or a night owl?

-What is your favorite season? (As in winter, spring, summer, and autumn)

-Congratulations! It’s your birthday! Even if it isn’t, I’m still going to give you a present in the form of a giant mech suit! Which one would you like?

Death Egg Robot (Sonic the Hedgehog): Want a mech suit with a charming cartoony style? Then look no further than the Death Egg Robot. The Death Egg Robot is a large mech suit that comes with the ability to fly along with rotating drill-like claws that can be launched. Comes with the option for lasers and can take some punishment, though its ground speed is a bit slow.

Metal Face Mechon Suit (Xenoblade Chronicles): Want something really cool that will intimidate your enemies? A bit of a tight fit, but this mech suit has ultra smooth and precise controls, and is very powerful. The Metal Face Mechon Suit comes with strong and sharp claw hands, a powerful laser cannon, is capable of long distance flight, and is made of extremely strong and durable metal. Also comes with a cool voice.

Megazord (Power Rangers): Do you have friends and want something to do together with them? Then this is the mech suit for you. This Megazord is made of several different robots that is completely customizable with all sorts of looks, styles, and weapons. Not to mention it’s huge! Requires multiple people to operate, as well as effective teamwork, coordination, and communication.

Armored Personnel Unit (The Matrix): While it may not protect the person controlling the mech suit, this Armored Personnel Unit is perfect for those who are very gun-happy and favor smooth controls.


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