This story is a sequel to What Didn't Happen
On two nights separated by over six centuries of time, two dreamers share the same one dream of their world being unmade. Is this a warning of events yet to come? And if so, what, if anything, can be done to avoid it?
A Princess from the future works to complete her predestined task while a Queen from the past struggles to lead her people down a path of peaceful coexistence. Together, they must find a way to safeguard time itself, or else all their efforts will literally be for nothing.
interesting. While I hoped a sequel focusing on the altered timeline i certainly didn't expect This Twilight to appear again. Could there finally be some hope for Filly Twilight?
insta fav +like because of how awesome the first story was
Woot it lives!
OMFG! This just made my night!
Well, lets just say that I do realize that the little filly's fate was sort of left hanging in limbo in the previous story. I haven't forgotten about her.
Oh boy it's time for MORE MYSTERIES! As usual, I'll be here to keep track of them. And away we goooooo!
Another Destiny: Yet another harrowing vision to both Chrysalis and Twilight. For something that has not graced them in centuries, what could be behind this?
A Message from the Future: It seems that Twilight's future self has called the Princess to action once more. Where is she going now and why does she need Dusk and the Elements?
I am incredibly excited to see a continuation! What Didn't Happen remains one of my favorite fanfictions on this site, and ironically enough, I was just rereading it this week. I came to the end yet again - and lo and behold, there's a sequel! And Twilight's returning to the altered timeline, too? That was what had made the conclusion of the first story at all bittersweet to me - that Twilight seemed cut off from this new Equestria that turned out so vivid and wonderful.
It's well past midnight right now, so I'm going to have to get around to reading this tomorrow - but I know that this is going to be a wonderful ride.
Yay, sequel and a very interesting start to boot!
So we are still nehind that Twilight we saw in the last book. Man you are really going for headache central.
OH and Question. What has happened to this universe's Changelings since their Crysalis is trapped in a rock waiting to fulfill destiny?
So, it's been about 600 years since the events of the show. Is she as tall as show!Cadance yet? It helps me picture the events better if I know how big the characters are.
That's a good question, but since the answer to your question is going to be part of the story, I'm not going to say right now exactly what happened with changelings in the 'original' time line.
What I will say is this. Queen Chrysalis effectively stopped existing in the 'original' time line beyond the point when she chose to travel into the past, because she never returned and never will be able to. Instead, she ended up becoming the chronological beginning of her own existence. Confusing loopy time stuff going on there, but it basically means that there is no changeling queen, and hasn't been for 350 years.
She's taller now, yes. I'd say that actually all three of the 'shorter' alicorns, Luna, Cadance, and Twilight, are pretty close to the same height here, with Twilight being the shortest but only noticeable if you are really looking for it. Luna hasn't really changed any at all from her show height (in this time line).
Ha cha cha! Fancy magitech! Maybe we will see more in the future.
Another Destiny: Yet another harrowing vision for both Chrysalis and Twilight. For something that has not graced them in centuries, what could be this mean?
A Message from the Future: It seems that Twilight's future self has called the Princess to action once more. Where is she going now and why does she need Dusk and the Elements?
6050107 I think because that's her preffered form. She has shown that she can resume Nightmare's form at will. so while even in the show she could be as tall as Celestia she chooses not to to better relate with the common pony.
6050090 I just remember Chrssy's lt saying that with her gone it be big trouble for everypony. I assume it still applied to the 'original timeline.' but as long as you are addressing it later, look forward to that part.
I drew a rough depiction of the timelines and time travel in What Didn't Happen and thus far in this story, if anyone was confused and/or curious.
Ahg! I can't take the wait!
This is simply too beautiful to be put on hold! Unless life demands it...
Oh, it isn't on hold.
I'm just slow. I'd say I'm about half way through writing chapter 3.
I'll admit that when I changed job positions I sort of lost some of my free time so the wait probably will be a little more between each chapter than before, but I finish what I start.
I could be totally wrong, but I wonder if Mystery is this timeline's Twilight reborn?
6288071 Your guess is as good as mine, but I don't think we can really nail that theory down just yet.
Another Destiny: Yet another harrowing vision for both Chrysalis and Twilight. For something that has not graced them in centuries, what could be this mean?
A Message from the Future: It seems that Twilight's future self has called the Princess to action once more. Where is she going now and why does she need Dusk and the Elements?
6288584 well we know the F Twilight is coming back to the altered timeline because of that vision
Mystery as similar traits to Twilight in regaurds to her reactions to Chryssy. We know Chryssy has an interest in her. She joined the guard from outside the usual warrior caste. Wanna bet she was from the scholars. THen there's the fact that Filly twilight was last seen in the hive mind connect to this timeline's Element of Magic. Personally I thought the poor filly was screwed in the last story so this could be just hope but this drone has my attention.
Her name happens to be Mystery too. There's no doubt she's important, but Zeg does happen to throw out the unexpected.
6288612 that's why I said I could be totally wrong.
Ah, sorry. Must have overlooked that part.
This story has far too less new chapters.
I bet I know where she going to get the other crystal for Dusk. The same place as the first just a little sideways temporally. That to say the twin of the one she already found from the second timeline.
6052173 I'm sorry dude, that didn't clear up anything. Kinda hard to follow. Go with a bigger graphic. More space so you don't need to use arrows with all the labels.
It's been a while since I read the first chapter of this one, and even longer since reading the prequel. Excuse me while I go and reread the first one. Hopefully, I'll be able to make sense of this by reading everything in quick succession. Later
Ha! Twilight called Spike fat!
Another Destiny: Yet another harrowing vision for both Chrysalis and Twilight. For something that has not graced them in centuries, what could be this mean?
A Message from the Future: It seems that Twilight's future self has called the Princess to action once more. Where is she going now and why does she need Dusk and the Elements?
now i have to wait weeks for seen the reunion.
Yeah, I'm a slow writer.
I have gotten back into spending at least 30 minutes a night trying to write. That's helped a little. This last chapter didn't take two months to finish.
6050090 Oh, wait, so the two timelines share a common past? And that's how there can be two Chrysalises, one going back to the past in a loop, and one continuing in an alternate timeline that split off that doesn't involve her looping even though she was created by looping?
Yep, that's exactly what's going on. If you go back before the 'split point' there is only a single time line and only one version of, well, everything and everyone. After the split, there's two of everything, which means their future can (and likely will be) different from what happened in the 'original' side of the time line split.
The translation of what didn't happen has been finished about a half year ago.My friends love it and ask for more.Would you allow me to translate this story?
Yes, you may translate this one too.
I hope they enjoy the sequel.
Oh boy! Update! Action! Magic!
Another Destiny: Yet another harrowing vision for both Chrysalis and Twilight. For something that has not graced them in centuries, what could be this mean?
A Message from the Future: It seems that Twilight's future self has called the Princess to action once more. Where is she going now and why does she need Dusk and the Elements?
Rogue Factions: These hybrid changelings are coordinating an attack on Queen Chrysalis and her friends and they all look the same. Who are these changelings and what do they want?
Finally got around to reading this new chapter. Normally, I would have been much quicker to read, but I've been traveling, writing and editing, and now come down sick.
Thank Luna for this new chapter. I needed something good to read right now, and this was excellent.
I may be mistaken, but was it not implied in the first story that, at least in this mythology, Chrysalis was the first changeling queen (the first the last the only) and that what happened to her was unique? Where have these other changelings come from?
There was another character that had a similar type appearance to her named Graphite, who first showed up in chapter 10 of the previous story (though his name isn't actually mentioned until a later chapter). He was described as having an appearance that was a closer match to Chrysalis than any of the drones.
In chapter 17, Graphite talks a bit more about what exactly a hybrid is, going as far to explain that they become a changeling by choice, and that there are more than just him. They have a primary function of acting as a leader within the hive structure that can pass down orders from the high queen onward to individual hives, part of what is known as the 'coven'.
While the process they go under to become a changeling isn't explained, the result is a changeling that has some unique features that resemble what they used to look like before the change, as well as some additional abilities beyond what a regular drone has.
And that's what's strange about this new group of changelings that just showed up. They have the appearance of hybrids, but all look identical to each other. Knowing what a hybrid is, that really shouldn't be possible.
Rouge factions
They're red, too?
Bah, I thought I spelled that right the first time.
Thank you, though.
I'm interested in this. I love Chrysalis trying to reform.
Well, didn't expect that.
Gee, Twilight. Maybe you should have teleported all them to safety instead of engaging them.
Another Destiny: Yet another harrowing vision for both Chrysalis and Twilight. For something that has not graced them in centuries, what could be this mean?
A Message from the Future: Twilight arrived in the nick of time to save her friends. However, it does not seem that this is all that her future self intended her to do. For what purpose were the Elements brought for? Will Dusk serve an ever greater role?
Rogue Factions: These hybrid changelings are coordinating an attack on Queen Chrysalis and her friends and they all look the same. Who are these changelings and what do they want?
The Other Twilight: It seems that the anti-changeling spell was strong enough to displace Chrysalis with the alternate Twilight. Perhaps there is a way to switch them back?
Well, to be fair, maintaining a strong enough shield to fend off the combined attacks of fourteen casters while simultaneously attempting a long range group teleport of herself and six passengers might be a bit too much all at once even for Twilight.
Plus I just really wanted to write Twilight going into 'don't mess with my friends' mode. That part was fun.
Still, poor girl wasn't even there five minutes and had already done goofed.
Oh, welp. That's. Way worse than I was expecting. Not that I'm not happy to see Filly Twilight again, but... oops.
So happy to see this updating again! The Season 5 finale reminded me a lot of this story... but I'll always remember who did it first, and who did it better. 8D
Hey. Someone else whose head-canon has bat ponies as the result of enchanted armor. I was thinking just the other day how odd it is that it's almost universally thought the royal guards are all identical due to enchantments on their armor, but that bat ponies are commonplace in fanon despite appearing once under pretty much the same circumstances.