• Member Since 12th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen 9 hours ago

Xaldon Ajide

post celestial civil war ... [data courruption] Void NO FURTHER DATA.

stuff i'm trying to write

Comments ( 351 )
  • Viewing 347 - 351 of 351

Where'd you get that profile pic from?

is all good I'm surprised whenever someone finds the drivel that i've wrote, anyway have a nice day.

Thanks for fav'n Return of the Ancient Mage.
It took me far to long to put it together and I always get surprised when people keep finding it.

It's quite good, a few events kind a irked me, but it's all culminating quite well.

  • Viewing 347 - 351 of 351
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Sorry no Chapters but... · 5:54am Nov 16th, 2015

Fallout 4, In fact the reason I've made this blog is for any of those Fallout players out there, just letting you know that our friends at Bethesda have not forgotten about us bronies and the mlp universe. I just found the most epic reference at the Wilson Atomatoy's Corporate HQ. I won't say any more spoilers than that except for the fact that One of the R&D big shots acts a lot like Twilight.

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