• Member Since 24th Oct, 2011
  • offline last seen May 19th, 2023


Not much to say... Just a fellow fan that wants to make a good story after reading a few.


To all the great fans of My Little Pony... · 6:10am Dec 25th, 2012

Merry Christmas everypony!

Image created by: willis96

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Comments ( 29 )
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Dead for five years but that doesnt mean you have to give up, there are still people waiting for an update and its never too late to pick the pen back up!

You gettin' on that update yet? The latest chapter was posted in 2012!

will 'embracing the darkness' be updated at some point?
I really enjoyed the story, might be one of the best I've ever read :twilightsmile:

Will a New Year's resolution include an update of Embracing the Darkness, since its been more than two years? :fluttercry:

  • Viewing 25 - 29 of 29
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