• Member Since 9th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen Nov 16th, 2018


...i like reading pony fanfiction, and so far i prefer grimdark, but that's th' majority of what i've read. so.... yeah.


So how about that Kentucky Derby? · 11:05pm May 3rd, 2014

'Djour horse win?

Report TacoTown · 526 views ·
Comments ( 215 )
  • Viewing 211 - 215 of 215

Mmm. All these followers who vanished. Gives me the many sads.

Thanks for the fave on "Shy Girl". I appreciate it. :yay:

1760032 Well awlrighty then. Still amazed that anyone remembers me.

1757663 I got a new computer and my tablet is incompatible with it, so I just never updated it. I'm honestly surprised anyone remembers me, i don't do much here anymore.

Thanks for the fav on Spike is screwed
Please up vote

  • Viewing 211 - 215 of 215
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