• Member Since 2nd Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen May 20th, 2015

Donnys Boy

My name is Donny's Boy. I ship ponies.


Writing Prompt! · 11:52am Apr 30th, 2015

As some of you may know, I used to help moderate an MLP writing prompt blog called Thirty Minute Pony Stories. Though that blog has now shut its doors, Esle-Ynopemos has carried on the grand Thirty Minute Pony Stories tradition here at Fimfiction.net. (And has been doing a bang-up job, too, may I add.) As Esle is but one pony fanficcer, versus an entire team, the prompts post once a week, on Thursdays, rather than every day.

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Giant God bless.

I miss your stuff, man. Hope you're doing well.

Your stories are among the best I’ve ever read, and you’re my favourite author on this site. Whatever you’ve moved on to, thank you for all the wonderful moments of joy it’s been reading everything.

The Donny-shaped hole in our hearts unfortunately may never be mended.

Hey Donny. It's time to wake up.

  • Viewing 163 - 167 of 167
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