• Member Since 28th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen Nov 10th, 2019



Fluttershy has a crush on Pinkie Pie. She goes to some of her friends for advice. It turns out wooing an energetic pink party pony isn't quite as straightforward as she hoped.

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 37 )

D'aw. This fanfic is practically MADE of diabetes. Faved. :scootangel:

I like this story
I love Pinkie's 4th wall jokes

I shudder to imagine Applejack's advice.

But this has to work somehow, right? Love conquers all.

The dialogue was believable, Pinkie Pie was hilarious, and Fluttershy was adorable. It's all I want in a fanfic.
Really great story, I can see this getting featured soon!

I agree with Emerald Flight on the title. This story is just so well-written and enjoyable that it would be a shame if it's overlooked by a lot of readers because of an unoriginal title.

Without a doubt, the best PinkieShy I have ever read.

Very good! I loved all the characterizations, and the d'aww was just coma-inducing. Good work!
Please keep writing, I'll keep reading.

Waaaaaay better love story than Twilight, and I mean the books :D :heart::heart:

Have some author's notes rampaging self-criticism.

1011488 1011566 That's a good point, actually. I was thinking "Eh, the title's not that important, and 'Pinkie Shy' makes sense since it's about being shy of Pinkie." But since you mention it, titles are actually very important. I know I wouldn't read a story that was so uncreative as to have a ship name as its title. :trixieshiftleft:

I shall have to think about it.

Although, Esle Ynopemos -- how many PinkieShies have you read? It's a rare ship! That's kind of the point!

a Pinkieshy that actually makes a lick of sense!?
What is this!?!?! :rainbowhuh:

Really though. This was awesome. Every single one of the characters were awesome. And you are AMAZING! :pinkiehappy:
Fave, Thumb, all that good stuff ;D

AWEDORABLE! Because it's both awesome and adorable!

1015757 "Although, Esle Ynopemos -- how many PinkieShies have you read? It's a rare ship! That's kind of the point!"

Fair enough, fair enough. I read one a while ago that had something to do with defeating a mobster who was made out of noodles, so... yeah, I'll admit there isn't a whole lot of competition for the title of Best PinkieShy. Still, this was a pretty good read.

PinkieShy / FlutterPie ships are too rare. They're my favourite too, alongside ApplePie. I wish these were more common.

I loved this story so much! :pinkiehappy: Too much d'aww! :rainbowkiss::heart:

I can't believe I forgot to review this, because I enjoyed it quite a bit. The thing I liked best about this story was the humor. Just lots of wonderful little lines such as:

Technically speaking, Rarity was camouflaged.

Rarity was going to be so disappointed ... “I am so disappointed! How could she fail to respond to a beautiful gift?”

“Rainbow Dash? It’s been five minutes,” she prodded gently.

“That was the worst love confession ever,” the pink pony announced, and pressed her lips against Fluttershy's.

That's all quality stuff there. You might even want to consider adding "Comedy" as one of the story's tags--I certainly think it's funny enough to justify doing so.

In addition to the humor, though, I liked the sort of gentle, easy-flowing feel to this story. The scene where Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie dance with one another and then fall asleep outside was particularly lovely. Thanks for writing and for sharing!

I always enjoy a good PinkieShy story.
Good job. :yay::pinkiehappy:

Another of those few stories in which the characters are actually pretty much in character!

And it has pinkieshy! And is very diabetes inducing! Also made me laugh some times! Pretty awesome indeed sir, awesome indeed. :rainbowdetermined2:

Man that's adorable :pinkiehappy:
It's hard to find good pinkieshy stories and I think this one deserved it

It is good but you dropped Twi out of character for a moment with the eye patch is cool thing, she is to practical for that.
I am slightly saddened by Pinkies early admission of her liking fluttershy in her list after her friends, it almost eliminates the emotional build-up.

The slight 1st person views were done well which is a suprise, most of the time when someone rapidly changes views all it does in confuse greatly, this was slightly confusing but it had an endearing quality.:twilightsmile:

Very cute, i quite liked how Rainbow and Pinkie set up Fluttershy to force her to confess, it would take a great deal of pressure.
Twi kinda just dropped off the map after giving advice and did not receive feedback, i think she would have been more curious.
Rarity would have kept on trying to help as well given how animated you placed her to be about Fluttershy's Crush.
The flock of griffons was unespected, especially with cannon saying they are rare creatures, i did not see that coming.
The forest scene was adorable though, and i really liked how you wrote through Fluttershy's thoughts in that, it fit her quite well.
Good Job. :twilightsmile:

Thanks for the constructive feedback. I do see a lot of flaws in this fic, so some of the issues you mention were already bothering me (Twi and Rarity dropping off the map, for one). But some of them I hadn't thought of (like Pinkie admitting up front; I thought that would make it feel less sudden and unrealistic when Pinkie reciprocated Fluttershy's feelings at the end). This is very helpful!
And, of course, I'm glad about the things you enjoyed anyway. :twilightsmile:

“I like lots of stuff! Parties and balloons and colours and my friends and candy and music and confetti and streamers and Fluttershy and games and pranks and birthdays and...”

I'm going to assume that's one of the ones Twilight missed.

AWWWWWW!!!! I love this story so much!
It's really good, well-written, cute... everything it should be, in my opinion. I favorited it before I even finished it!
Also, Pinkie's inclusion of Fluttershy in the list of things she liked was extra, extra adorable.
Like I said, I love this!

Author Interviewer

Decently written and cute without falling into a lot of 'cute' traps that tend to overtake shipfics. This last chapter moves a tad quickly, and the fourth-wall-breaking Pinkie scene in the previous chapter was kind of not a great idea, but overall, I liked it.

Are there really no comments?
I just want to take the chance to say this is a very cute story.
Poor, poor Fluttershy. :fluttercry:
And damn you, Rarity, why do you have to jump to conclusions?
Weel, I'm off to read the rest of the chapters.

Cute story, of probably my favorite pairing, although that was kind of a bratty move on Dash's part.

But yeah, I do agree with the "What happened to Rarity and Twilight?" sentiment someone else mentioned. I was hoping to see Rarity's reaction when she found out how off-base she was.

Words are not needed to describe how well written this fic is, its just that good. :pinkiesmile:

The "and Fluttershy" that Twilight missed in there was really wonderful.

There were some funny parts in this story, but I didn't actually like it overall; I never understood why Fluttershy liked Pinkie Pie or vice-versa, and the whole thing was pretty out of the blue.

It's actually really hard to find good FlutterPie's out there, considering that this is a pretty rare shipping. And I've basically read all the FlutterPie's there are out there in my need to have this ship! This story was really good, despite the few mistakes here and there. So, I reward you with happy ponies!:pinkiehappy::yay::rainbowkiss::twilightsmile::ajsmug::derpytongue2:
by the way, FlutterPie actually sounds like a delicious dessert, don't you think? I hope somebody invents it one day so I can eat it with great joy!

I want to know what the shinny rock was...

Aww this was so adorable. :scootangel: i love flutterpie since i love them both the same to an extant.

This was a very cute fic, and the humor was spot on!
Pacing was a little fast, but overall it was enjoyable!

Hi, I don't know if you're still here, but I'd like to translate this story for my YouTube channel.

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