• Member Since 2nd Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen May 20th, 2015

Donnys Boy

My name is Donny's Boy. I ship ponies.


Late on Nightmare Night, after the rest of Ponyville has gone to bed, Pinkie Pie descends into the dark and silent basement of Carousel Boutique. She’s determined to make things better with Rarity after a friendship-splintering fight, but there might not be a solution for the troubles she finds once inside the house. Didn’t anypony tell her it’s not safe to venture out alone at night?

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 27 )

Wow, that was an awesome story. Perfect story to post on Nightmare Night:pinkiehappy:.

Wonderful up to the last line, I'd expect no less from Donnys Boy.

Really liked it, despite how irritating a cliffhanger ending can be to me . : )

...And here comes the good ol' adrenaline rush from the last sentence... I want so much for Pinkie's wonderfully romantic gesture to pay off, but my mind is also pointing out all the ways that wouldn't happen. But definitely, thing that carried this forward so well for me was that everything wrong that happened was a direct result of Pinkie being Pinkie and trying to apologize. It was absolutely marvelous in that regard, and it made me smile and cringe in the best of ways. I really wanna know what about the Elements has turned Rarity into this monster, but I also appreciate the mystery.
Just ... This story, man. It is so very good at what it does.

So this is why Rarity was nowhere to be seen in Luna Eclipsed...

Very nice work; a good mix of touching and frightening, and the ending is suitably ambiguous for a story like this.

The ending of this story is so brilliant! A classic reader decision story.

“You heard everything I had to say, and you laughed at me! Her. At her. You were cruel, and you were heatless" -- should that be heartless?

This is a great story! I hate trying to figure out what would happen next, kinda, but that's just because I'm a believer in love and think it will win everytime, even if that isn't always true. I love where you left it though. It's really brilliant. I knew it would be, but this story was great!

Rarity reminds me of Nightmare Rarity from the IDW comics...
This story is so creepy, but in a good sort of way. :pinkiecrazy:

Aww, heh, thanks. I'm glad you liked it--and I'm glad it managed to post in time for Halloween. I submitted it late enough I wasn't sure it would. :pinkiehappy:

I had two possible endings in mind, this one and one that was not ambiguous. My spouse convinced me to go with the ambiguous ending and, given that it's a horror story, I think the more ambiguous one adds more to that whole creepy vibe. :twilightsmile:

Oh, yay, I'm really glad to hear that! I kind of struggled with trying to make sure that Pinkie felt like Pinkie, because she's kind of put in a lot of unusual situations and doesn't speak very much dialogue in the story, so that was a worry.

Yeah, that's where I got the idea--where was Rarity during all of "Luna Eclipsed"? (I believe her part in the ep simply got cut, if I am recalling correctly, but there was never any in-show reason provided.)

Yes, sorry, that was meant to be "heartless." Fixed now. Thanks!

Thanks also for the kind words! I'm really glad you liked it, uncertain ending and all!

I haven't read the Nightmare Rarity story arc in the comics yet, though I really need to because I hear it's great. I did take the general concept as a bit of an inspiration--one-half Nightmare Moon and one-half werewolf, more or less.

And the story was supposed to be creepy, so yay for creepy!

Definitely creepy. I respect the ambiguous ending, but oh how they drive me batty.

To parrot ideas-happen, I do get a real Nightmarity vibe. The trade's out btw so it's easy to pick up that arc.

Yeah, I have no excuse for not having read the Nightmare Rarity arc. I just haven't yet. Definitely on the to-do list, though! :twilightsmile:

And I'm glad it's got a creepy vibe. I don't write much horror, so this was mostly new territory for me. And I understand about ambiguous endings--I kind of have a love-hate relationship with them, myself, most of the time.

Ugh, this is another one of the times when I read a great story and I want to leave a comment with some kind of substance, but all I can think to say is that this was very, very good and I really, really enjoyed it. Because it was, and I did.

Hey, I'm plenty happy just to hear that you really liked it! Thanks for letting me know. :twilightsmile:

I'm so lost for words right now asdfghjkl


I just read this for the fourth time and I don't know if I want a sequel or if I just want more of it. What I want is to be able to read it again for the first time so I can be continually amazed at just how freaking good it is. thank you for writing this.

Oh, gosh, thank you for such kind words. I'm really glad you liked the story so much. :twilightblush:

Ooh wow this was intense!

Holy Sh@t that ending!

Pinkie Pie has the confidence of a bullet train being mounted by a 747.(I don't know what that means either.)

I was on the edge of my seat the entire time metaphorically, I was actually laying down when I read this.


Thanks so much for the kind words, and I'm glad you enjoyed it! Action/suspense isn't really my forte, so I'm really pleased this seemed to turn out well. :pinkiehappy:

That, my friend, was amazing!

It honestly is now one of my favorites.

Oh, thank you! I'm happy to hear you enjoyed it so much!

Ooh, that was so darn good!

Absolutely delightful horror fic, and deliciously open ended.

"The room fell into darkness."
Ah clever, very clever.
How can the room, with a uncovered window, fall into darkness? The only way that could happen would be if the moon was being blocked...

Man oh man.
LOVED the ending. It was perfection.

The room fell into darkness.

She dead

Would love to see a sequel to this

I first heard this dtory with TheLostNarrators video reading and it is jonestly one of my favorite stories.
Really good job on this, even if the ending kills me. I wanna know, man! XD

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