• Member Since 13th Apr, 2013
  • offline last seen Jun 30th, 2023


NO LONGER POSTING: love you all goodbye, and remember to never stop stop shipping cute things <3


No Earthly Idea on a Title · 7:04am Oct 10th, 2022

Holy cow, approximately 6 whole years since my last post or even look at this website. Wow. A lot has changed since then, and I wasn't even a part of the fandom since my exit from this site. Not sure why but I decided to try the show out again, from the first season, and remembered I used to write fanfiction about it. Kind of insane now that I think about it lol. I later ended up writing and publishing short horror stories very far off from the work I did here (when I was

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The Stuff That Happens When I Slam My Face Against The Keyboard

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