• Member Since 2nd Feb, 2013
  • offline last seen Aug 14th, 2017



Hey · 6:08am May 31st, 2016

Uh, I don't really know how to go about this. I'm aware no one really cares what I post on here, but whatever. I'd just like to note that I'm probably never really going to go on here again. Bold statement, I know, but hear me out. I've lost interest in MLP and I doubt I'll really get back into it. I haven't watched the show itself in quite some time and knowing me, I won't start watching it again.

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Report Zimthepony · 328 views · #Bye
Comments ( 19 )
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I appreciate your favorite in my story, I Couldn't Save You, it means a lot to me. :twilightsmile:

Stay awesome, fellow brony! :moustache:

Thank ya kindly for tracking From the Mouths of Fillies! If you haven't already done so, I encourage you to rate and comment.

Thanks for favoriting, "Through The Eyes of Innocence"! Also, if you do not mind me asking that is, what made you do so in the first place? Love to hear feedback from my readers! :pinkiehappy:

Stay awesome fellow brony and as always...


:derpytongue2: I love derpydash! Sooo much!:rainbowkiss:

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Hey · 6:08am May 31st, 2016

Uh, I don't really know how to go about this. I'm aware no one really cares what I post on here, but whatever. I'd just like to note that I'm probably never really going to go on here again. Bold statement, I know, but hear me out. I've lost interest in MLP and I doubt I'll really get back into it. I haven't watched the show itself in quite some time and knowing me, I won't start watching it again.

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Report Zimthepony · 328 views · #Bye